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Everything posted by TheSunCaughtFire

  1. Just announced - AD at the Community First Natural Life Music Festival on March 16th in Jacksonville Fl.
  2. Keeping Sue, Jeff and the whole family in my thoughts and wishing them courage, strength and a successful recovery.
  3. rhino4evr, I stayed at this B&B last year which was in Williamstown on the north side just heading out of town. The owners were really wonderful people - this house has been a labour of love for them for decades and they have had it designated as a historical site now. The cost was excellent and included a homemade breakfast. The only reason I am not staying there this year is that the bathrooms are shared (4 bedrooms I seem to recall with 2 bathrooms) - not really a problem last year, but I prefer my own space. It didn't book up right away last year because it's not well known. If yo
  4. So sorry to hear you folks are missing this - big disappointment but I totally understand not taking on the drive. Just crossing my fingers that we will fare better for the February shows.
  5. good as gold both nights....warm clothing is the next order of business!
  6. Really hoping for a good excuse to fly back to Chicago in March and get me through the bleak January /February months!
  7. Getting this for my son who will be buying a drum set and starting to learn in the new year (to compliment all the other instruments he already knows)! And Riptthisjoint908 I totally agree with you on One Wing. Thanks Sarah for posting!
  8. I was just about to post this too! MMJ comes in at 10. Quite the summer!
  9. I had to sneak a small camera in years ago and I had a pass to the pre-show get together with the band and access to the backstage bar for the intermission....the band was surprised to hear about the photography issue as it had nothing to do with them. They could probably hire less security if they would lighten up on this stuff!
  10. Anyone going in with a camera was questioned at the gate and I think you probably had to check it somewhere or leave it in the car...I didn't even try to take mine, just the phone. Where I was (on the floor a dozen rows back) security was buzzing around every time they saw someone hold their phone up...a bit of a losing cause but I'm not sure how long you could have taped without being confronted. With the bunching up at the front towards the end when this song happened I found things a bit more lax. I haven't been to this venue for quite some time as generally I really don't like the so
  11. Interesting that Wilco has October 11 listed as the date for the ACL festival in Austin and On Filmore has the same date listed for Milwaukee ..?
  12. sorry - I didn't notice your post and just re-stated the obvious!
  13. The new guitarist was the legendary Colin Linden. Canadian born but Nashville based. He comes with huge credentials (both playing and producing and in film, working with the Coen brothers in O Brother and Intolerable Cruelties). He is one of the three main players in a well loved band here called Blackie and the Rodeo Kings (inspired by the works of another Canadian legend, now deceased, Willie P. Bennett). I don't know how much notice he had, but the FB quote from fellow band mate John Dymond (who played a set with Nels last year at Sleepwalk in Toronto) was: " Kudos to our pal Colin Li
  14. Did you catch the comment when he brought them out for O What a Beautiful City...something to the effect "some people got dressed up to play tonight"...huh? Having watched the whole band hover in the wings for a few songs, I figured something was up so I moved right down to the front in time for this song. I really didn't catch the whole comment or the tone...
  15. Saw this on his FB page yesterday and loved it! Was lucky enough to catch a couple of his shows last year (one with Nels and the other with Nels and a Norwegian trio called Huntsville) and was blown away both times - now I'm happy for every little chance I get to see the percussion work he does outside of the band (and of course, I try not to pass up a chance to see what he does with the band either!)
  16. I was thinking about you folks this weekend and wishing I was there! Glad you had a great time. Love the poster too!
  17. I got the Pollstar notification this morning, but I can't see any mention regarding who is playing on which weekend...would be good to know as I have a good excuse to treat myself to some travel one of those weekends!
  18. Checked out the Toronto pre-sale and the front center section 102 (covered) was available so I went for it. I usually have to cross a border and drive or fly for hours to see the band so I couldn't pass it up. Three hours after I bought my ticket there were still seats in that section and I haven't checked back today.
  19. Thanks for this link. I had no idea of this policy.
  20. The Toronto venue is one of my least favourite - yes, it's a nice location right down on the edge of the lake (part of Ontario Place which has other amusement type things on site), but it is outdoors and only the first few sections are covered (and yes, lawn seats are a good cheap alternative usually if the weather is good). But I have never liked the sound quality there and ticket prices are never cheap. I see that one of these 3rd party ticket pimping sites already has tickets for this listed for sale - how can that be legit if even the pre-sale hasn't happened yet?! The official site doe
  21. Apparently I have no standards...I'm not (normally) even a whisky drinker!
  22. ahh yes, what was I thinking! Well Cabin Fever isn't sold here, but there is a substitute!
  23. First time in Chicago and first time at these shows at the Vic and I have completely fallen in love with both! The genie is out of the bottle and there is no turning back... so this just became an annual road trip for me! I met some great people in line (the time passed much faster than I ever expected!) - and it was nice to find like minded fans to share the experience with. Looking forward to Solid Sound...I'll bring the "double doubles" and ketchup chips ;-)
  24. Cold morning here in Chicago . Hope to meet up with fellow VC'ers soon!
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