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Everything posted by chuckrh

  1. as i wrote on LP11 thread, i think its best since "ghost is born". i'm not counting "kicking television" although maybe i should. OTJ gets better on each listen. this one is a winner. hope we get some dates in the northwest soon!
  2. i've heard the new record at sort of low fi. at first blush, its my favorite studio record by them since "ghost is born". can't wait to get the cd friday!
  3. here's a vid of the seattle show in august. i went in with sort of low expectations & the band was shockingly great this night. all of the stars were aligned for whatever reason. could be one of the last truly great stones shows. the only thing i could quibble about on the set list was "you got me rockin'" & even that was great. sober ronnie is a good thing. & keith was awesome this night. if that truly was the last time i see them, i'm good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y35HQb4zH0Q&feature=youtu.be
  4. they were great! some nice slide shredding from nels at the end of the song. always a good thing!
  5. sadly have to pass on social distortion & flogging molly tonight. just not up for it healthwise. bob seger playing tonight too. sigh. consolation is the college football scene is good today & tonight. & for the seahawks game tomorrow my friend is brewing up some chili which is perfect given the lovely weather in seattle right now (sarcasm). she's a stellar cook so i will eat better than if left to my own devices for sure!
  6. i'm wonder if jeff has some mystic knowledge about the big earthquake out west & know that denver will be the west coast in the near future.
  7. an all time fave. RIP Ric (& Benjamin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k1rxUnh99A
  8. just read a story that around that time period eddie was the first rock star to accidentally OD on fenatyl. your story is a sad one. from most accounts, eddie was a pretty good guy.
  9. legend has it that Don Henley walked out on stage during the song at a Mojo show. it is said that for the first time in his life Mojo was left speechless...
  10. Cancer takes another one. Turning into 1 of those bad weeks for musicians. https://news.avclub.com/r-i-p-take-me-home-tonight-singer-eddie-money-1838095700
  11. Rolling Stones. Without the genius marketing they would've been playing fine Native American entertainment complexes years ago. That being said, they were fantastic this year. At least the show I saw. Far better than the show I saw in 2012 (last time I saw them prior to this year).
  12. do you need us to send you some hearing aid batteries? looks like quite the lineup. i saw the stones on wednesday. the consensus is in best of tour zone. they were excellent. i had set the bar low based on my last experience 7 years ago. promise of the real (with lucius on backing vocals) opened & were quite good, too. good night all around. now go put it all on red!!!!!
  13. Link is regarding an event for the Jimmy Fund out of Boston. Is from a friend on 3 Dimes Down site. They do a lot of good work benefitting childhood cancer. There is a link to contribute in the post. http://www.threedimesdown.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9235
  14. i wish paul would put out some new music. such a great songwriter
  15. NYCtaper has this up, recorded by Acid Jack. They've done past Solid Sound shows & the recordings are, well, solid.
  16. sorry for your loss. small consolation: was filmed in 4K. hopefully they will release it this way for home use. i'm told you can see a friend of mine from italy quite clearly in the crowd. probably weeping with joy. she's a sweetie & WAY into it.
  17. is anyone else getting a hilary vibe from biden? think it would be a huge mistake for him to be the nominee. the donald would have him for lunch along with his big mac. also, being a long time politician from delaware he's most likely owned by the big banks & wall street. biden vs trump would be a no lose for them & the rest of the MI (military industrial) complex.
  18. if you stumble across any recordings of Neil & POTR on the current European tour, snag them. the set lists have been amazing & Neil is playing his heart out. listened to the Antwerp show last night. maybe best non Crazy Horse version of "F'n Up" leading into a killer "Cortez the Killer". oh btw, he did "On the Beach" at this show. geez louise!
  19. i wanted to go but my back is f'd up. had to get horizontal after day of work. also, haven't really slept for days. getting spinal shot today, hopefully that fixes issue. anyway, i'm going to buy the 4K UHD when it comes out. fingers crossed for a nice Cure arena tour in the fall!
  20. on episode 5. no disappointment at all!
  21. janet quitting is pretty huge. that line up has been together a very long time. she be will hard to replace.
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