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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. thanks, amike! note to out-of-towners: this is not far from largo. just sayin.
  2. thanks heaps for the skinny, sue!
  3. holy cats. that is beautiful. whew.
  4. votage: -andrew bird: armchair apochrypha -joe henry: civilians -laura viers & saltbreakers: saltbreaker (write in) -spoon: gagagaga -wilco: sbs
  5. since i read your post i've been trying to imagine a scenario...i've tried including these elements: -flying monkeys -a marching band -pie still, can't find a problem.
  6. benmont tench playing the superbowl halftime show. holy hell! GO BEN!
  7. judy, maybe they're gearing up for a full set of neil stamps!
  8. just as i clicked on this thread, "pictures of you" from last winter's fillmore run popped up on the shuffle. i heard the phrase "fucked up funk record" was used by jim in that magnet article in re: possible directions for the new album. man oh man, i love that band.
  10. funny thing about his voice: when i saw him last november, he was fully recovered: chatty, not guarding his voice. but he didn't chat AT ALL during this show. i passed him on the way into the venue and he said a quiet hello type greeting (the usual sort of demuring jonathan thing *beam*), but other than that, not a non-singing peep. so. maybe he's protecting his vocal chords again. man. hope he's healthy. and re: nor-cal: synchronize watches! watkins family...woo!
  11. missed jonathan and tommy's los angeles show, so drove down to costa mesa to see them at detroit bar. first time at the club: great spot! the crowd was a little reserved (how do they do it at a show like this, i do not know ) there was no back stage area, so the performers walk through the crowd to the stage. forgot to bring paper to keep a setlist, so scrawled it all on a dollar bill. they played several new songs. i don't know the titles, but wrote down a line or two from each of them. here we go: --what a beautiful world (spanish) --that summer feeling (woo!) --olde
  12. no need to rush that on our account! thanks for the great summary! wotta hoot!
  13. this was a bountiful show year! two stand out memories: --at the prairie home companion show: as the band started playing "when the roses bloom again," turning with a "wow! what the?" expression on my face to solace, who was seated next to me, and seeing him smiling and nodding serenely as if to say, "yup." --"always in love" in charlotte. almost didn't go to that show, but was encouraged and even aided by vc'er outta tune. "it's only 4 hours from atlanta. i can do that." --denver, denver, denver. --during the request portion of jeff's marfa show he played my request for "r
  14. thanks, jc! nice assortment o tunes!
  15. peel, i say 2 is the false option.
  16. just to stoke the fire: i call #3 as the false option...
  17. this is the falsity! (she types with conviction)
  18. tomatoes do not creep me out. however, porn does creep me out. science fact. edie...hmmm. gonna go with number 3. if you were married to scott at the time. those up with people cats seem a bit on the square side for him. ok fliz, i call number 3 as the false one. i do hate the chicken in a biscuit crackers. i was always disappointed when they were they only ones in the cupboard (darn you, mom!)
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