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Everything posted by jff

  1. jff


    There are some legitimately good songs on Ace's.
  2. jff


    Maybe he means he's breaking the record set for attendance at his art gallery appearances where you have to pay hundreds of dollars just to get in.
  3. jff


    Ace's pre-Kiss band's acetate demo sold on ebay yesterday for $4300. http://collectorsfrenzy.com/details/151280589721/MOLIMO_12_ACETATE_RARE_UNRELEASED_RCA_ACE_FREHLEY_PRE_KISS_DEMO_3_SONGS_LISTEN
  4. I'm supposed to be going to see Angel Olsen tonight, but I might have to stay home due to illness. EDIT: YAY! I felt well enough to go. Angel was terrific, and I was impressed with the opening act, Promised Land Sound. They were reminiscent of Flying Burrito Brothers and other "cosmic country" bands from the late '60/early '70s, but a little more lead guitar oriented.
  5. I looked into driving up for that, but it wasn't in the cards. The south is a little spread out compared to some parts of the country, so I guess I can't blame him for neglecting us. He pulled a pretty good crowd when he was here for the first album, but Carla Bozulich was also on the bill which probably brought in folks who wouldn't have come just for Nels' band.
  6. Nels - hasn't brought the Singer to Atlanta since their first album was out.
  7. Me neither. What does this have to do with Hendrix?
  8. I heard a song on the radio this morning that I suspect was War on Drugs. I did detect some Dire Straits-isms, or rather, a few guitar licks that were similar to some things I've heard Mark Knopfler play. It was pretty subtle, though. I actually picked up on the Dire Straits thing before concluding that it was a War on Drugs tune.
  9. Link to "Drone" from this album. Sounds kinda Sabbathy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ET6BxvLGI
  10. He essentially only said "It's who you know." I agree, that would be a good acceptance speech.
  11. According to what I read on a blog, Malcolm had a stroke. His family doesn't expect him to regain his ability to play guitar up to the standard needed to continue with the band. Sad news, indeed.
  12. jff


    How about Tom Constanten? That would bring the total to 12. Kiss has had 10 people in their band, and a lot more than that if you count the people who played on their records.
  13. Wipe the Windows....is no Live at Fillmore, but it's a fine live album with some very good material. I used to have the Brothers of the Road vhs tape, from the Toler brothers era. Now, that is a pretty dismal release, and it has prevented me from acquiring any of the Toler era studio records. Is one of the Tolers on Enlightened Rogues? There are a couple fo good songs on there, but only a completist needs to own it.
  14. I would agree that the live record portion of Ummagumma is worthwhile, but the studio record is pretty silly.
  15. I think this is a mistake. Can't blame Colbert for accepting, though.
  16. jff


    I fully agree with the edited version.
  17. jff


    I still think it was a schtick that got out of hand. He was obviously mentally ill and a drug addict, but I think his persona was something he knowingly invented. I've talked to some people who worked with him in the studio who said he was a pertty typical drug user, but not an out of control madman. Nothing like the guy onstage or at partys where cameras were present.
  18. jff


    $1000 guitar pick.
  19. jff


    Charging $300 for a cassette box set (in 1996, when cassettes were already a dead medium). "I need an armed bodyguard. Look what happened to John Lennon." ROFL. Speedball Jamm - a 71 minute guitar solo. Creating his own web forum with $500/year subscription fees. Sounds like a guy who is holding it together really well.
  20. jff


    Taking money from fans for items that do not and probably never will exist is pretty messed up.
  21. jff


    I read that yesterday. If that whole article is factual, Vinnie Vincent's gotta be the most fucked up person ever in rock music. Who is more of a mess? Not GG Allen. He just had a schtick.
  22. Dave Clark Five records are fun to play along with on the guitar if you aren't very skilled.
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