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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Yeah..Speaking of which did they ever replace all the shatered windows at the Westin Peach Tree from that tornado?
  2. Yeah but the World Trade Center was 7 buildings not just 1! Anyway things are going verrrrrry slowly...
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090416/ap_on_...s_redevelopment I can't believe how ridiculous this is! Here we are 8 years later and nothing has been done. Yeah the real estate market sucks now. But what about the previous 7 years? Nothing has been doneQ Why don't they build now and by the time they are finished the market may be better? I figure once they start building it will take a 3-5 years to complete. So now they are not going to build because the economy is uncertian??? I think we need this to help restore NYC and show its strength of the people! Also didn't the WTC's owners get billio
  4. I would assume all the ball park shows are GA...
  5. Can your car go 150 MPH!? Can I get a ride? I love my car too, but this is a great alternative.....Also Amtrak currently is awful, expensive and slow...
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/16/obama.rail/index.html I love Europe's trainsportation system and dependence on trains...I believe this is a great model to strive for. I am all for this! Every train I have rode in Europe is fast and reliable and was relatively reasonable.
  7. Art Park, Lewiston is near Buffalo.. It was a pleasant show once we got there...bring along the nephew! And no it isn't wrong to cut the trip a little short
  8. I used to work at my college radio station and we would get copies of discs sometimes months before the release. It can be as easy as some reviewer or radio station getting a hold of a disc early and leaking it.
  9. They had a tarp on the Diamond. The Field was open and GA as were the seats. You could go from the floor to the seats no problem at the Dylan/Nelson show. I would guess that show had 12-15,000 people in attendence. Dylan didn't sell out that show if I remember correctly. Traffic getting into the show was nuts because it was off a 1 lane road.
  10. Dutchess Stadium is huge I saw Nelson/Dylan there...I don't see this selling out (Its not far from the show that was in Beacon..lucky them two shows in 1 year yet none in Manhattan?!). Also Keyspan Park is huge too! Wow! I am speachless.
  11. They can't please everyone..I understand it.... but would it be great if they could please me (Setlist wise) Kidding...
  12. I agree with you I would even go back as far as 2001-2003 with this comment. No matter how many times I have seen Wilco since the Yankee and Ghost Tour I have always heard Shot, Spiders, I'm The Man, Jesus, Heavy Metal, IATTBYH, Late Greats, Handshake, Theologians, Hummingbird, California Stars..that is pretty much half a setlist written in stone)....The 5 night residency gave me false hope. Sure occasionly Wilco bust out a long absent song like Box Full of Letters or Wishful Thinking but it is far and few between.
  13. I thought with the new album out soon there would have been a healthy setlist shaking....looks like not so much...I was thinking at least 6 new songs per night would make an appearence...Definatley would be nice to switch out some old standards too...
  14. Someone bought the $20,000 package! Story here.. http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2009/04/paying-20000-fo.html
  15. It was poorly written. Like you said before it is the first step. I believe under Obama eventually all will be able to travel to Cuba from the USA
  16. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Obama-to-all...f-14911322.html Looks like we are heading down the path of the embargo and travel ban to Cuba being lifted. I think it will be a welcome change. I do think it will greatly impact Cuba, especially the old world charm of Havana. I have never been but seen pictures of all the old automobiles on the street and it seems unique and I am sure would be quite a site to see in person. I will visit Cuba when the time comes as I enjoy Cuban food, Cigars (I have them when I travel internationally ) and drinks (yum) and I am curious about Cuba. Has anyone bee
  17. Pete Yorn is great. That song you like though is not new it is from 2001....Get Music For The Morning After it is a solid record and is like $1 on Half.com..
  18. Thanks Y'all! I will study up on these all and hopefully pick up something soon!
  19. The logitech had awesome sound and it was $100 brand new when I got it in 2007. The other issue is I leave it on my desk at work. Don't want to leave anything too expensive lying around...I see some boses though on ebay for $100-150...of course those have been previously used...
  20. I like Bose..got their noise cancelling headphones which are awesome...just trying to save a few bucks but I do see your point!
  21. Hi..I had a logitech Ipod dock and I used it for about 6 hours a day for 2 years and then it just crapped out. I was wondering if anyone has one that they can recommend that works well, sounds great and it sorta reasonable...thanks! Hope this is the right forum for this question....
  22. I have a very hard time getting over Jeff's voice. I can't enjoy it...The music is good though...
  23. Rasins and Cinnamon...Grape Jelly too...
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