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The inevitable sell out post

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The cat is out of the bag.


Wilco is huge.


I love em even more.


Can we end this silly thread and move on to more important matters, like how young Jeff looks in my avatar?




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Basically, this would all be a little less bad if it had been a commerical for Volvo. Unless they're evil too (which could totally be the case).

Well, they are owned by Ford, and Henry Ford sure was a four-star prick. So yeah, they're evil too.

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jnickerson, unquestionably an awareness of history is essential, as is a sensitivity to the painful fallout that can affect people even generations later.


That said, your point has been made. Everyone reading this thread is clear on your position. Time to quit repeating yourself and let the thread either move along or die. At this point, the volleying back and forth is unproductive and simply looks like you're out trolling, which (I hope) wasn't your intent.


Can you just agree to disagree, and having said your piece, allow people the freedom within their own minds to consider what you've said? You won't change any minds the way you're going at it, anyway.


Let's be a peaceable kingdom, folks. Keep the hatreds off the boards.

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Been away for a few days and now I'm dizzy from reading all 13 pages of this post......


Anyways as far as I am concerned Wilco lets me do what I want with their songs (streaming out albums before release, being taper friendly, etc, etc) so I'm cool with them doing whatever THEY want with THEIR songs.


just my opinion

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Bravo on using the holocaust to help explain why a semi-obscure former alt-country band having a song in a TV ad ruins the way you hear music.


Godwin's Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.

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I am listening to Uncle Tupelo's rendition of "Blue Eyes" from The Rare Essence of Uncle Tupelo. That song, and this version, kicks ass.


which ad is that one from?

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What a great discussion! Jnickerson deserves credit for posting exactly what he thinks and then having the patience to reply intelligently (er, mostly) to numerous objections.


To the minority who have basically abused him: stop being so defensive about your precious community. Debate should be encouraged, not stifled, even when it

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I'm with Jnickerson on this one, too.


I don't watch television (aside from three or four shows, all of which I grab as torrents online), or even own one, for that matter, so I haven't seen the ad in question. And although I haven't been exposed to it, it nevertheless galls me to some degree that Wilco has leased one of their best songs for use in a VW commercial. This sort of activity often creates an indelible association in the mind of listeners between the product being sold and the tune being used to hawk that product.


To this day, I can't listen to Sgt. Pepper's without skipping "Getting Better." When I was young, that song turned up in a television ad for Geico or American Eagle, or some other bullshit company I couldn't possibly care less about, and now every time I hear it I think of the picnicking family from the ad.


One of my musical heroes, Tom Waits, probably said it best: "If Michael Jackson wants to work for Pepsi, why doesn't he just get himself a suit and an office in their headquarters and be done with it?"


And yeah, it's Wilco's music, and they can diminish it in whichever ways they please. I'm not denying them that right, certainly, I'm merely stating that it turns my stomach to see them exercise it.

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Well, they are owned by Ford, and Henry Ford sure was a four-star prick. So yeah, they're evil too.
Henry Ford was a well known anti-Semite, but strangely my parents bought Fords, although they would not buy VWs since my father was a WWII vet.


cryptique's point is well taken that if you try and run down all the bad things done in the name of a corporation, you will end up, as Lenny Bruce said, like a schmuck with a dixie cup and a thread (in this case it was the phone company). All this purity is fine so far as it goes, but after a point it is a useless exercise.


I guess I am slightly weirded out by all this, but no more so when Lou Reed let Walk on the Wildside be used for Hondas or whatever motorcycle it was (for those old enough to remember this event.) Ultimately music is a business, selling songs is the only way for musicians to make a decent living (if you don't believe that read some history), and ultimately recordings are products which have to sell or there is no reason to keep manufacturing the things.


By next week this will have been just another time waster for us all and we will all go back to trying to cop Wilco tickets, which undoubtedly will be harder to get in the coming months.



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Since Wilco has apparently sold out, why not go all the way. License "Passenger Side" to A-B or Miller. That's the only way Madison Ave. will get me to drink a Bud or MHL.

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sell-out? is that a valid argument or is just an excuse for all the lame-ass scenester kids to stop liking a band if they become too well known. you know, 'cause obscurity = relative worth and all that. i'm going with the latter. who gives a shit if they license their music? i hope more people are exposed to it.



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I think this thread is a good thing - you can only have so many Wilco is Awesome! threads.


Like someone said - if a band has a big enough following to create a message board, then why not have discussions like this. Some people feel strongly, others want to joke around, and some want to be critical of the those who feel strongly/joke around. I have been all three. This is the pattern that usually happens here - for better or worse.

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