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New My Morning Jacket Album!!!

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Got my Louisville tickets - see y'all there!


Also, I'll go on record (ha) as saying I don't really care for the studio version of Evil Urges. It's SO much better live (but then, we could have guessed that).

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  tangara said:
Got my Louisville tickets - see y'all there!


Also, I'll go on record (ha) as saying I don't really care for the studio version of Evil Urges. It's SO much better live (but then, we could have guessed that).



other than the breakdown the studio version of this song is pretty average compared to the live version...


wtf is up with Jim's vocals???


kind of disappointing :(

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dude, after the show you attended, just about everything is going to seem a little pale. :lol


also: just got a sunday coachella ticket. oooooooh man. i don't want to miss even 40 min of mmj.


"hello, my name is ms. yvon..."

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I don't know, I've never seen MMJ live and his vocals do seem different on this recording. They aren't as powerful, and they don't seem to be as drenched in reverb as they usually are. Just kinda seems like a weak falsetto. It's not terrible, but those vocals could be A LOT better.

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  DAngerer09 said:
I don't know, I've never seen MMJ live and his vocals do seem different on this recording. They aren't as powerful, and they don't seem to be as drenched in reverb as they usually are. Just kinda seems like a weak falsetto. It's not terrible, but those vocals could be A LOT better.


agree... this seems like a warmup take or something

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only gave evil urges one spin so far but it wasn't nearly as bad as I was fore-warned. Personally I can't even listen to take from SWXW the vocals are fucked from the get go. I liked the lack of re-verb as well, frankly I wish JIm would stop using it all the time.

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  DAngerer09 said:
Touch Me I'm About To Scream Pt. II leaked on a blog.


it's been out there for a while...


NPR played it on All Songs a few weeks ago. it also unfortunately pales compared to the live take.

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  chisoxjtrain said:
The album. First listen through, I must say its the best of 2008 so far.

Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum.



I can't believe how bad this record is. Was really looking forward to it and wasn't able to get past track 7, the lyrics are uninspired, the music ranges from boring to nothing new. Def. my least favorite so far, but who knows maybe all the good songs come next?


Evil urges is the only track i connected with and even that was just mediocre.

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