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What's the price of gas where you are?

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I don't drive to work, so I don't really know how much it is only that is it expensive. They had a phone in debate on the radio here about public transport and ideas to improve it in the cities. So this one Dublin dude rings the show....the host asks him how he would improve public transport in this country...he replies..."Get some fucking public transport first, ye arseholes!"...cue some dead air and then a bunch of ads! :worship

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I paid a doink over $4 on Friday. First time EVER I spent more than $40 on gas at one time.

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On a weekly basis, one of my job duties is to fill up both company vehicles with gas. I've learned that the fuel pump won't let you put more than $75 worth of gas in at a time. Since hitting this limit, I have seen a great decline in the amount of gas $75 purchases.

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I paid $4.50 on Sunday. I win.


Wow, lucky winner.


If that's true, I'm going to be walking to see Wilco in August.


See you on the side of the Interstate. :ohwell

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I heard on NPR on the day that experts are predicting up to $7/gallon by the end of summer.


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It was $3.85 around here today.


We've just been planning trips better and staying home more. The thing that sucks is that it's about a 25 mile drive to go anywhere worth going. Luckily, Jay works near Target, Best Buy, etc, so if I need something, he can go on his lunch break.

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I think the whole gas price thing is a ploy by the democrats to ensure that McCain doesn't get elected.

Heh. I'm not gonna say who I think is responsible, but if the shit hits 5-7 bucks you can rest assured that McCain will not get elected.

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I heard on NPR on the day that experts are predicting up to $7/gallon by the end of summer.


If this happens, I will quit my job, and move to Chicago on the spot even if the house isn't sold. I would save money finding a job there that would allow me to commute by train, or foot.


This whole gasoline thing is a lot of shit.

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I can ride a bike and/or walk anywhere I need to go in my city. Maybe everyone needs to move to a smaller city. :pirate

Me too. This isn't where I feel the pinch - it's at the grocery store where things are out of hand for us.

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Yes. Fuel costs drive everything up. Maybe this will finally lead to some serious effort on alternative energy sources. I, for one, would love a car powered by a nuclear reactor.

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America's greatest untapped energy source may be lipids. I wonder if they will ever put us on bikes with flywheels and make us generate! Of course, I'm sure that's not all that efficient when you calculate energy used in making food, but we have an abundant supply of excess human energy for the time being. /nonsense

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America's greatest untapped energy source may be lipids. I wonder if they will ever put us on bikes with flywheels and make us generate! Of course, I'm sure that's not all that efficient when you calculate energy used in making food, but we have an abundant supply of excess human energy for the time being. /nonsense

Hmm. Maybe there could be some way to surreptitiously hook up all the treadmills, ellipticals and stairmasters at the nations many gyms to generate electricity. Then, you could get people to PAY you to let you sell electricity back to the power grid ...

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