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I'm not enamored with the new album the way some people are, but I went to both nights in Vegas and N1 was easily in the top 3-5 PJ shows I've seen. They seem to be playing with new energy

I didn't know there was a thread here for the only band I've seen more than Wilco!   As referenced on Live Tonight thread, I just saw ten shows in May in six cities and they were great. The

Those are some intense stats, and I'm very jealous! Out of curiosity, do you have any standout favorite PJ shows you were in attendance for, as well as standouts from this May run?    I thin

I was prepared to not like Gigaton, based on the DOTC and Wolfmoon singles. I am happily surprised to like it. Comes Then Goes, Seven O'Clock, and Retrograde are my favorite songs.

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I'm not enamored with the new album the way some people are, but I went to both nights in Vegas and N1 was easily in the top 3-5 PJ shows I've seen. They seem to be playing with new energy

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2 hours ago, opsopcopolis said:

I'm not enamored with the new album the way some people are, but I went to both nights in Vegas and N1 was easily in the top 3-5 PJ shows I've seen. They seem to be playing with new energy

I posted a little review of Seattle night 2 in the concerts thread. They were mind blowing!

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I didn't know there was a thread here for the only band I've seen more than Wilco!


As referenced on Live Tonight thread, I just saw ten shows in May in six cities and they were great. The new album is fantastic live, and they continue to cast a wide and deep net over the catalog. Depending on how you count, they played about 98 unique songs across the shows. There were old and new highlights every night. (And Deep Sea Diver, who opened, were a revelation. I can't recommend them highly enough. I saw their set ten times and it never got old despite mostly remaining the same from night to night.)


Ed gave me a tambourine on Night 2 in Las Vegas. On Night 1 in L.A., I finally made it to the rail for the first time in 77 shows when the guy on the rail left with three songs left in the show to go get in line for GA for the next night (which is ridiculous). I had GA for five straight shows and it was amazing to be so immersed, anywhere from zero to fifteen feet back from the rail dead center. Just an incredible month of excitement.


I had the incredible good fortune of putting in for ten shows in the fan-club lottery and going ten-for-ten. And I have good seniority so the shows for which I got seats were great seats-- one, two and ten rows behind GA for three of the shows, and sidestage for the other two.


I also did some Pearl Jam tourism while in Seattle, including a visit to the former Off Ramp Cafe, site of their first show, played the first week when Eddie came to Seattle to write and record with the rest of the band. I visited some other esoteric sites. (I saw them in Seattle in 2009 but didn't think to do any of that.) Less esoteric and not Pearl Jam-related, I visited Kurt Cobain's house and the memorial to him in the park that abuts the property. At least a dozen people came by while I was there, many of whom were in town for the Pearl Jam shows.


For the record, the Pearl Jam show count is 80, from April 1994 to May 2024. The Wilco show count is 52, from June 1995 to October 2023. If you add in Jeff Tweedy appearances solo, with Jay Bennett, with Golden Smog and with the Tweedy band, the Tweedy count hits 81. But then if you add a couple of Eddie Vedder solo shows and one Eddie-and-Mike-McCready mini-set at the Tibetan Freedom Concert, Vedder gets to 83, I think. Whether I've seen Vedder or Tweedy more often is like whether Jupiter or Saturn have more confirmed moons-- it depends on when you ask. Tweedy will surge ahead after Solid Sound, but then Vedder will take the lead again after Ohana.

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On 6/4/2024 at 6:37 PM, Brian F. said:

I didn't know there was a thread here for the only band I've seen more than Wilco!


Those are some intense stats, and I'm very jealous! Out of curiosity, do you have any standout favorite PJ shows you were in attendance for, as well as standouts from this May run? 


I think after Vegas I'm at 22 shows (started seeing them in '06 at 14 years old). I've missed a lot of the uber classics from before that time, but seen some pretty incredible shows, Krakow '18 and Hartford '08 being the highlights off the top of my head

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The best shows of this run were L.A. 1, L.A. 2 and Vegas 1. Then probably Vancouver 2. I really loved hearing the new songs for the first time at Vancouver 1, but the mini-set of "oldies" that opened the show was a little bit of a letdown. The mini-set on Night 2 was much better, including "Immortality" and "In Hiding" back-to-back leading into the new stuff.


The overall highlight of this run were the Dark Matter songs. As far as older songs go, off the top of my head, in addition to the ones mentioned above, "Alone" at Vancouver 2 was great, as was "Breath" at Vegas 1. "Come Back" at L.A. 1 was particularly emotional for very personal reasons, as was "Present Tense" at L.A. 2. The last three songs at L.A. 1 were incredibly exciting, not necessarily because of the songs themselves-- it was "Alive," "Baba O'Riley" and "Setting Sun," and I've seen the first two of those too many times at this point-- but because I was able to move up to the rail at dead center for them. It was already pretty immersive and overwhelming being one or two people off the rail for the show up to that point, but I just about lost my mind for those last three songs. It was major sensory overload. One of my friends was really hoping for a Who cover, and I turned all the way around during "Baba" as we screamed the big "YEAH!" after the first chorus and that was really fun. Another old warhorse that was newly invigorating was "Rockin" in the Free World" with Deep Sea Diver, Chad Smith and Andrew Watt at L.A. 2. It was bedlam. Seattle 1 was probably the only show that felt ordinary, and that had something to do with being in seats for the first time after five straight nights at or near the front of GA. Seattle 2 had a pedestrian set list by Pearl Jam's standards, probably because it was going out over satellite radio, but it was really, really good.


As far as favorite shows ever, that's harder. I tend to forget specifics pretty quickly-- ask me about these shows next year and they will probably blur-- but Jones Beach 2000 is up there. It's also hard to understate the impact my first show, in Boston in April 1994 three days after Kurt Cobain was found dead, had on me. There was the three nights in Mansfield, Mass., where they did the whole repertoire. There were the four nights in L.A. at the Gibson in 2009. There have been really phenomenal shows in San Diego and twice in Phoenix, of all places. I've seen them eight times at Madison Square Garden and other fans tend to wax rhapsodic about any show there but I'd probably take the ones I've mentioned over any of them. I'm probably forgetting other great ones. Randalls Island 1 in 1996 was epic. Camden 2 in 2000 was special for personal reasons. I could go on, as if you couldn't tell...


That's cool that you saw them in Krakow. What were you doing in Poland? The show in Katowice, Poland, in 2000 is legendary. I have the bootleg. (I actually have all 72 of the bootlegs from that tour. That was unnecessary.) You mentioned that you were in Vegas. Maybe you saw me get that tambourine!

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The best shows of this run were L.A. 1, L.A. 2 and Vegas 1. Then probably Vancouver 2. I really loved hearing the new songs for the first time at Vancouver 1, but the mini-set of "oldies" that opened the show was a little bit of a letdown. The mini-set on Night 2 was much better, including "Immortality" and "In Hiding" back-to-back leading into the new stuff.


The overall highlight of this run were the Dark Matter songs. As far as older songs go, off the top of my head, in addition to the ones mentioned above, "Alone" at Vancouver 2 was great, as was "Breath" at Vegas 1. "Come Back" at L.A. 1 was particularly emotional for very personal reasons, as was "Present Tense" at L.A. 2. The last three songs at L.A. 1 were incredibly exciting, not necessarily because of the songs themselves-- it was "Alive," "Baba O'Riley" and "Setting Sun," and I've seen the first two of those too many times at this point-- but because I was able to move up to the rail at dead center for them. It was already pretty immersive and overwhelming being one or two people off the rail for the show up to that point, but I just about lost my mind for those last three songs. It was major sensory overload. One of my friends was really hoping for a Who cover, and I turned all the way around during "Baba" as we screamed the big "YEAH!" after the first chorus and that was really fun. Another old warhorse that was newly invigorating was "Rockin" in the Free World" with Deep Sea Diver, Chad Smith and Andrew Watt at L.A. 2. It was bedlam. Seattle 1 was probably the only show that felt ordinary, and that had something to do with being in seats for the first time after five straight nights at or near the front of GA. Seattle 2 had a pedestrian set list by Pearl Jam's standards, probably because it was going out over satellite radio, but it was really, really good.


As far as favorite shows ever, that's harder. I tend to forget specifics pretty quickly-- ask me about these shows next year and they will probably blur-- but Jones Beach 2000 is up there. It's also hard to understate the impact my first show, in Boston in April 1994 three days after Kurt Cobain was found dead, had on me. There was the three nights in Mansfield, Mass., where they did the whole repertoire. There were the four nights in L.A. at the Gibson in 2009. There have been really phenomenal shows in San Diego and twice in Phoenix, of all places. I've seen them eight times at Madison Square Garden and other fans tend to wax rhapsodic about any show there but I'd probably take the ones I've mentioned over any of them. I'm probably forgetting other great ones. Randalls Island 1 in 1996 was epic. Camden 2 in 2000 was special for personal reasons. I could go on, as if you couldn't tell...


That's cool that you saw them in Krakow. What were you doing in Poland? The show in Katowice, Poland, in 2000 is legendary. I have the bootleg. (I actually have all 72 of the bootlegs from that tour. That was unnecessary.) You mentioned that you were in Vegas. Maybe you saw me get that tambourine!

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