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Joaquin Phoenix - Wha?

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More evidence this is probably a joke and that Letterman is in on it, from Wiki:


On June 5, 1997, Farah Fawcett received some negative commentary after giving a less-than-coherent interview on The Late Show with David Letterman. It was speculated that her rambling, incoherent manner was the result of drug abuse. Months later, she explained on The Howard Stern Show that her rambling was in fact just her way of joking around with the television host. She also insisted that what appeared to be random looks across the theater was just her looking and reacting to the fans in the audience. She pointed out an interview of contemporary actor Joaquin Phoenix as exemplary of her "style".


After Joaquin Phoenix's mumbling act on a 2009 appearance on The Late Show, David Letterman wrapped up the interview by saying, "Joaquin, I

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More evidence this is probably a joke and that Letterman is in on it, from Wiki:


Dave was clearly in on it.


Oh yea, and then theres this:



But now two people are telling E Dubs that it's all an Andy Kaufman-ish bugaboo. One anonymous source tells them: "[Phoenix] said, 'It's a put-on. I'm going to pretend to have a meltdown and change careers, and Casey is going to film it." A second confirms:


It's an art project for him. He's going full out. He probably has told his reps that he's quit acting. Joaquin is very smart. This is very conscious. He has a huge degree of control.

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The fact that people actually think this "real" (the interview, quitting acting, starting a rap career) makes it all the more brilliant. In the age of Borats and Colberts, one would think everyone would be in on the take by now. And yet . . .

brilliant? If only my mumbling and disinterest were labelled as such.


At least Borat and Colbert are entertaining...

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brilliant? If only my mumbling and disinterest were labelled as such.


At least Borat and Colbert are entertaining...


The fact that people think its real makes it amusing in my eyes. This is obviously one small segment of something much bigger he is working on.

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brilliant? If only my mumbling and disinterest were labelled as such.


At least Borat and Colbert are entertaining...


Good point. He could at least be twisting ketchup packets till they burst or something. It's a pretty dull put-on, as is.

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Holy shit, that was funny.

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Guest Gym Teacher Man
why couldn't this possibly real? the Phoenix family isn't necessarily known for their good mental health.


exactly. but apparently some people are so certain that it's a show. i only watched it once, and i could be wrong, but i thought he looked fucked up.

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Yeah. He was on a ton of drugs, or was trying to give the impression of being on a ton of drugs.

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fwiw, i'm pretty sure it was confirmed a while ago that Crispin dropped acid before that Letterman interview...


as for Joaquin, regardless of his bloodline, i think much of this lately is an act. he didn't seem THAT fucked up drugs-wise to me on Letterman, cuz he was very coherent with what Dave was saying, he just responded in one word answers.


but yeah, Letterman just owned it... around the 2:45 mark he just goes for it.


i love the "that's not likely" response to him coming on and doing his hip hop act :)

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Hmm. I always liked to talk a lot when I was tripping.

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I don't know. A celeb giving up an entire career at the top of his game, losing his mind and completely going off the deep end just doesn't seem likely to me...



Dave Chappelle lost his mind and went completely off the deep end? Did I miss something? Or is that phrase meant to be synonymous with "went to South Africa for a while?"

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Chappelle did walk away from a zillion-dollar contract, did he not?

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Dave Chappelle lost his mind and went completely off the deep end? Did I miss something? Or is that phrase meant to be synonymous with "went to South Africa for a while?"


He was also extremely paranoid that people at Comedy Central had tapped his phones and were somehow out to 'get' him or somesuch. He has some major conspiracy thing going on.

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And now Alec Baldwin came clean about the Hulu (?) TV thing and the fact he's a brain-eating alien.


Coincidence, I think not.

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