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The Official Bob Dylan Thread

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I think the mono set sounds great. Haven't listened to Highway 61, yet. JWH and Freewheelin sounds great and the liner notes are very good.


I guess there two slightly different sets being sold: some have replica sleeves for the first two titles and the Times cover is different. I got my from Borders, all the sleeve are white and the cover of Times is textured. To me it doesn't make a difference.




Haven't received the Bootleg Series, yet. Should get it today or tomorrow.

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Wow - the thread has been dead since 21 ----  will be catching two shows in April in Indiana --- the A Complete Unknown movie really put the Dylan bug in my kid and he will be my traveling companion f

To quote an old Merle Haggard joke (heard when he opened for Dylan): We''re so old  we've got an ambulance to follow the tour bus. 

I saw Dylan in 2023 after taking about a 15 year break from seeing him. I'm in the camp of not being a fan of his current arrangements and phrasing on older songs, and after that show still feel the s

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I really want this, yet I doubt I would play it very often since I have played these albums literally thousands of times over the years. Then again if I come across a used CD copy I might do it. Then again I may pop for the LP versions and leave them to my kids.


I plan to get the Whitmark demos today if I have time however. Some of those songs are my faves.



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i've loved that bootleg for years... nice to have the tunes in proper quality. for some reason they've left off the alternate version of Percy's Song

Hmm...i didn't notice. Good call. The quality makes up for the lack of a missing take or two for sure. I bet there are other alt takes, but you may know better than I do.


Dylan should skip putting out new records and just keep finding stuff from the vaults. There is a ton of stuff from this period that has not yet been released.



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Dylan should skip putting out new records and just keep finding stuff from the vaults.


Insanity. At this point in my life, I'm much more interested in hearing a new Dylan lyric then something he did when he was in his 20's. I'd rather get both, like we have been!

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Yeah, I hope he keeps putting out new music. I wasn't a huge fan of Together Through Life, but I think the songs off the record hold up in his live show. I'd even say he should put out another Christmas album. :lol

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Together Through Life really sorta sucked. I bought a used LP of it the other day and my son and I started listening to it and even he also thought it sucks. I am all in favor of Bob keeping on keeping on as long as he puts a bit more thought into new material. Meanwhile there are numerous masterpieces on Whitmark. And there are some songs which have not been widely covered which well could be.


The Christmas album is a total hoot and relatively listenable, if mostly for a laugh.



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I'd say out of all the albums he has released in the last however many years, I have probably listened to the acoustic side of The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live, 1966: The "Royal Albert Hall Concert" the most.

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I'd say out of all the albums he has released in the last however many years, I have probably listened to the acoustic side of The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live, 1966: The "Royal Albert Hall Concert" the most.

Seconded. That's become my desert island Dylan disc, especially the versions of Visions of Johanna, It's All Over Now Baby Blue and Desolation Row. Amazing stuff.

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i have a soft spot for Together through life. that whole southern european feel that it has does it for me, being from that area. i can picture as background music in a Mediterranean cafe!. i like it more than Modern Times

In the immediate post-release days, I definitely thought both were better than they actually are. I wouldn't call either a classic, but I'm more likely to listen to all of TTL than all of MT these days, so I'd give it the nod. It's a good minor Dylan album. Nothing really floors me, but it's a nice sound, and it doesn't really overstay its welcome.


Of all recent Dylan recordings (not necessarily releases,) Tell Tale Signs is by far my favorite. Ridiculously good bunch of songs.

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I'd say out of all the albums he has released in the last however many years, I have probably listened to the acoustic side of The Bootleg Series, Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live, 1966: The "Royal Albert Hall Concert" the most.


Replace 'acoustic' with 'electric' for me.

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the above link is to an old blog about how to get into dylan. the author suggests Highway 61, bringing it all back home and blonde on blonde for starters. i've been trying to 'get into' dylan for years. nothing ever nailed me except for a few songs. that a being said, as i get older i'm interested in more literate music and find the visceral reaction to music waxing. so i'm giving highway 61 real chance. i've always loved his idea of a band just jangling along as he sings 10 verses.


I'd put my money on this.


It's worth finding/reading for the Dylan obsessed. Some of it's really great, some's awfully hilarious. My used copy was $5 or something. I'm glad to have it.


reading chronicles was like reading he lyrics to one long dylan song. is tarantula like this?

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