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The Official Bob Dylan Thread

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I would prefer Blood on the Tracks also.


There are some great boots floating around the internets for these sessions. One called Blood on the Tapes and the other called The New York Sessions. Both are pretty awesome.


There is a striped down version of Idiot Wind that is just ridiculous awesome. Worth checking out...

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Wow - the thread has been dead since 21 ----  will be catching two shows in April in Indiana --- the A Complete Unknown movie really put the Dylan bug in my kid and he will be my traveling companion f

To quote an old Merle Haggard joke (heard when he opened for Dylan): We''re so old  we've got an ambulance to follow the tour bus. 

I saw Dylan in 2023 after taking about a 15 year break from seeing him. I'm in the camp of not being a fan of his current arrangements and phrasing on older songs, and after that show still feel the s

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There are some great boots floating around the internets for these sessions. One called Blood on the Tapes and the other called The New York Sessions. Both are pretty awesome.


There is a striped down version of Idiot Wind that is just ridiculous awesome. Worth checking out...


oh, i've got all the outtakes, but it'd be good to see what the man himself has to say about them!

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oh, i've got all the outtakes, but it'd be good to see what the man himself has to say about them!

Would be nice if this new Chronicles chronicled the Blonde on Blonde sessions and a Bootleg Series release of BOB outtakes was put out in tandem. After reading Revolution in the Air 15 times, I find myself in dire need of all of those outtakes.

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Not sure if it's cool to post this, but I was just wondering if there are any good sites out there where one can access Dylan's live shows? I am not looking for demos, official recordings or the like (I already own all of that stuff) but would love to check out some old Dylan shows I attended but lost the recordings of (my iPod bit the dust...) Hope it's ok to post this, if not, feel free to vanquish it back into nothingness, Mods.

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Google LosslessBob. It should help you find some shows.


This site documents some of the lossless Bob recording versions that have circulated by ftp, binaries newsgroups, and bittorrents. ...
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Thanks for the replies. Yes, torrents are fine. I am really only looking for 3 shows. 05-13-2003 Cary, NC, 06-11-2005 Greensboro, NC and 07-28-2009 Durham, NC. Seems quite difficult to track down live Dylan shows. I guess most people do not like to be reminded of the shows and want to stay far, far away from them when they are over, haha.


edit- Will register and check out that link, Howdjadoo, right after work!

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Box of Vision


If remastered cds were included I'd consider paying $130 for this, but, as is, they'd need to knock $100 off for me to bite.

Ditto. It seems like this project was geared more to a very small niche which I am not a part of. I have been tracking down Dylan's back catalog on vinyl for the last few years so don't see the point in owning something like this. I could use that money to buy an original pressing of Love and Theft :thumbup

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You act like he has a clue they are ever selling this.....

What does this mean? He does nor doesn't know they are doing it. He knows.


Probably this will prompt somneone to say that Bob Dylan just isn't that rich (just like Neil Young in the Neil Young thread.)



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What does this mean? He does nor doesn't know they are doing it. He knows.



I just think Dylan has handed complete control of all that crap over to his label. You don't??


Columbia-"Bob, we're gonna put out the Whitmark Demos and this E.P. of some '63 live show. Oh and a Mono box set and a thingy to put your CD's in. You ok?"

Bob-"Whatever....when's the next tour?"

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I did... I was assuming it was the guitar he used while living in Woodstock. Perhaps one he wrote some New Morning songs on.


That's a really good point, I didn't even think about the fact he lived there. I had actually just watched the Woodstock movie not long ago so had that on my mind.

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