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Presidential Race (Respector Edition)

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Truthfully the only things that a President could do directly effect gas prices is

  1. Urge Congress to reduce or eliminate the 18.4 cents per gallon federal gas tax.
  2. Use the US strategic oil reserves to increase supply thus lowering demand but to do this the oil would have to be sold at little or no cost.
  3. Also increase fuel standards on vehicles to reduce consumption.

    1. This won't affect the price of a gallon too much but if you are filling your tank ever other week instead of every week it would save somewhere in the amount 1200.00 dollars a year. This won't come until 2025. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/08/28/obama-administration-finalizes-historic-545-mpg-fuel-efficiency-standard
    2. The first two options are completely ridiculous options and will never happen. The third is really the only option out there, it is something that PBO has already committed to and something that Mitt Romney is against.


      And increase in drilling ain't gonna do it. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2012/02/29/11091/more-drilling-wont-lower-gas-prices/

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At the end of the day do most americans care more about gas prices than the environment? Romney's so proud of pushing for this pipeline from Canada which is just an absolute environmental disaster waiting to happen, not to mention the serious increase in CO2 to the atmosphere. Nobody seems willing to point that out. This is an honest question as in my world that seems to be a good reason not to do it. But there seems to be a drill anywhere anytime attitude that gets a pass in debates. Even Obama proudly stated that they have enough pipelines to wrap around the earth. I thought his refusal to allow this Canada pipeline has been one of the succeses of his term so far but he didn't touch on the environmental factors at all.

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Even putting aside the pipeline as an environmental issue, or even putting it aside for the jobs it may or may not create, it won't help with energy independence because that oil goes to the refineries that then send it out to whatever part of the world market it is destined for. This entire argument is ridiculous.



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Pretty easy to do. When Bush was president, gas spiked to over $4.00 per gallon nationwide. Then the major financial crisis in 2008 caused the price to plummet to about $2.00, mainly due to a massive recession.


Mr. H. Sorry I missed this posting first time out. Thanks a whole ton for quoting Media Matters. It is a wonderful antidote to Sparky's constant quoting of highly questionable "experts". These guys are no nonsense and not conspiricy theorists. Good work. They make the point I made in my previous post about the world gas market having nothing to do with the pipeline in question.



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My pleasure, gents. I believe they are pretty reliable, in part because they cite a variety of sources. For one, The Wall St. Journal - not exactly a bastion of the far left - supported the President's contention that prices were lower in early 2009 due to low demand: "When Mr. Obama was inaugurated, demand [for crude oil] was weak due to the recession. But now it's stronger, and thus the price is higher." This is true on a global level, since oil is a worldwide commodity.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons someone could find fault with the President, but gas prices are really not one of them.

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There are plenty of legitimate reasons someone could find fault with the President, but gas prices are really not one of them.


This is what drives me nuts about the media (especially those on the right). They latch on to something and repeat it over and over again until they believe it and the people watching them believe it. You drive for any period of time you are bound to see dozens of gas stations with the price blazon on signs. If you are like me you notice more when the price goes up rather then if it goes down. The media is trying to correlate the price jumps and spikes as a measurement of the President's job performance. Nothing could be further than the truth. It is sad really that people buy into this stuff.

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Squeezing out Sparky


sparky fly on E street when the boy prophet walks handsome and hot


sparrrrk star shining


and the sound that you're hearing

is only the sound

of the low


of high heeled boys.

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From the former head of the CIA's bin Laden Unit. Another expert who doesn't know what he is talking about. Some choice...


Pity Poor America: Obama, Romney, and Foreign Policy


In the coming debate, Obama will no doubt brag that he killed Osama bin Laden. Well good, about time, well done! But what has he done to stop the spread of militant Islam and its armed forces across South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa? This is a presence that now sits directly on sea lanes vital to the United States in the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, and is nearing oil reserves and deposits of uranium and other strategic minerals in West Africa that are indispensable to the U.S. and Western economies. Obama has done nothing but lie to Americans about the genuine religious motivation, numbers, and growing armed strength – thanks to his policy facilitated arsenal-looting in Libya, Egypt, and Syria – of al-Qaeda and its allies. At the end of Obama’s term, America is far weaker militarily and far more vulnerable to Islamist power than it was when he took office....


And, in foreign policy, Romney will be no better. Amazingly, Romney has surrounded himself with the same brain-dead, Israel-first Neoconservative cabal that brought on the war we lost in Iraq and which made bin Laden‘s defensive jihad self-perpetuating, the latter proven by the continuing post-bin-Laden geographical spread of war-making Islamist organizations, Islamist-controlled states, and Islamist-caused violence. Listen to the media and hear Bolton, Krauthamer, Hannity, Kristol, Wolfowitz, Keane, Lieberman, and the crazed war boys Graham and McCain mouth exactly the same America-defeating nonsense spouted by Obama, Rice, Brennan, Mrs. Clinton and their acolytes at MSNBC and the mainstream media: Muslims hate America and the West because of their freedom and liberties, gender equality, freedom of speech, and elections.




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Squeezing out Sparky


sparky fly on E street when the boy prophet walks handsome and hot


sparrrrk star shining


and the sound that you're hearing

is only the sound

of the low


of high heeled boys.


Thanks for ignoring me. You are so concerned about what I post you fail to see your country being destroyed right in front of your eyes. Worry about what Obama, Romney and their corporate controllers are doing and are planning on doing than wasting your time trying to be cute attacking someone who doesn't agree with your narrow mindedness. Spend more time doing some research on the issues that you claim to be of such importance to you and you might actually learn something. It seems no one ever has a challenge about the facts or information provided in the things I post. All you can muster is an attack on the messenger or the author.

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Thanks for ignoring me. You are so concerned about what I post you fail to see your country being destroyed right in front of your eyes.

People have been saying this for hundreds of years. That's what the Civil War was about among many many other things. Step back and take a deep breath. I am sure those in Europe, Asia, Africa and just about every corner of the world have said that about what is going on in their countries as well. That's what the Taliban said and they went out and shot a 14 year old girl just to prove they were right.


You really can't complain that no one is listening to all the Chicken Little's saying the sky is falling. Some things are a concern to be sure, I won't deny that, but the country is NOT coming to an end over this election. Not even someone as cynical as me believes that. At the risk of sounding like a broken record most fo these people you are throwing at us are hardly experts. They are guys with some knowledge and a whole bunch of opinions. That's about it. Their opinion is no more valid then anyone elses ultimately.

(OMG just a brief review of this guy's life on Wikipedia tells me he is a nutball. Promoting laeltrile as a cancer cure, being a member of the John Birch Society most of his life? The film on finding Noah's ark. Come on Sparky, get real. Seriously dude!!! You are going to have to do better than this!!!! Even from what you have quoted the guy may be an anti-semite and sure is anti-muslem. Get real and get over it.)



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Lou, you believe the government is the solution to all our problems. Fine. You will probably never believe otherwise. I get it. However, everything the government touches gets worse or more expensive. How's the war on Poverty Working out? We have more poor people today than any time in our history after spending several trillion dollars. How's the War on Drugs working out? More billions upon billions of our money spent with no solution or end in sight. How did all those bank and corporate bailouts work out? They need to insititute QE3 to infifnity to keep them afloat. The war on terror? Obamacare? Unfunded government mandates? More trillions down the sewer hole. I can go on and on. We have reached the limit in this country. The debt is astronomically larger than just ten years ago. I was once like you and believed there was a government solution to these problems. There isn't. Change is going to come if we want it or not. The numbers don't add up. The Ponzi Scheme is reaching its' conclusion. I'm sure you have believed in things that some might consider crazy at some time in your life. Did you ever change your mind? Did you ever accept a view you one time thought was far out or out of the norm? Do you think the pundits on mainstream TV or the media are any different than some of the folks you criticize me for refering to? You take information and utitlize it to form conclusions. Everyone thought Galileo and Columbus were crazy. Everyone thinks Ron Paul is nuts. He is the only one who gets it. Time will tell.


Other than your reservations about the authors so-called beliefs, what in the articles or the videos posted is not factual or blatantly untrue? Is the Federal Reserve a private banking cartel that has the interests of the banking world at heart? Is Obama's foreign policy not failing? Is Romney not surrounded by neocons?

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Oh Sparky, get some help. Of course I don't believe the government is the solution to all our problems. Get real PLEASE!! You are embarrasing yourself. All I am am suggesting is that you throw up these crackpots as autorities when in fact they are nothing of the sort.


Clearly the government isn't the solution to everything, but then neither is the private sector. What we really have to start doing is sitting down like adults with some clear vision and some common sense and figure out what the solution to our problems really are. That includes the astronomical debt, which I agree our government isn't dealing with okay?? Both the private and public sectors are based on complex Ponzi schemes. I get it and to an extent I believe that. You made your point, What the fuck do you think the stock market is? A huge ponzi scheme that is run by the private sector, which is what most of the corporate world is, which is why the resession actaully happened, not because of the government. The huge ass deficit is because of two wars we didn't pay for. I get ALL of that.


I keep saying I am not going to talk to you anymore, because all you are doing is saying crazy shit over and over. Really get some serious help and don't bring your issues to a band fan website. It is ridiculous.


(And while Ron Paul has some points to recommend him, he is so far off on other stuff you should not really listen to that dottering old man and his wacko son. Seriously dude get a life.)



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One thing that almost no one ever brings up is the very real possibility of debt forgiveness. Happens all the time when it comes to a poorer country. If the USA is really on the verge of financial collapse, there are a whole boatload of countries who have a vested interest in making sure that doesn't happen. For all of Romney's talk about getting tough on China, I find it more likely that at some point China will strike some kind of deal to forgive some of our debt in exchange for a pledge that we continue to buy all their cheap crap. The US-China relation has been dysfunctional for years, but no one can really afford to have it go any other way.

So I understand Sparky's concern, but there's no real historical evidence to make it seem like it's grounded in reality.

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I think Sparky thinks we aren't somewhat educated at all. Look at Germany. Lost WWI, endured horrendous inflation between the wars, saw the rise and fall of Nazism in the 30s and 40s, Lost a devistating war and endured an occupation and being divided, rebuilt itself and is now a major economic support to the rest of Europe, despite some rather henious shit that went down there in the last century. Now one of our greatest allies and an economic powerhouse. All this in less than 100 years.


I am NOT SUGGESTING THAT WE ARE LIKE GERMANY, but clearly even wars and economic collapse don't doom a country anymore. We have the resources and brain power to get rid of the debt and right the economics of this country if we want to. It is going to take hard work and sacrafice by all of us including the rich. The fucking Libertarians don't want to take any more responsibility for this shit than anyone else, so I don't trust them either. All this Ayn Rand crap is just that, crap.


EVery institution, both government AND PRIVATE needs to be involved for the castastrophe that Sparky is suggesting to be avoided. Sparky just wants to keep harping on how Obama is such a bad guy, but in fact he made numerous attempts to work with ALL SIDES and for it he got lambasted by both the right and left. So he gets called a class warrior by one side and a corporate sell-out by the other. Obama is a human being, he made mistakes, he is no uber mensch fer Christ sakes.


Less than three weeks to go and the choice still remains. Vote for no one or some third party candidate who isn't going to win if you want to feel better, or vote for one of the two guys who IS going to win.


BTW Romney's performance in the debate this week struck me as desperate. He seemed unhinged by his desire to BE president, because he knows this is his last shot at it. Say what you will about Obama but the guy continues to show grace under fire that Romney just doesn't exhude anything but desperation.


This thread, even it isn't second incarnation has yielded nothing new of late, but snideness and a hint of unstability by some participants. As someone who has kids who will be stuck when this possibly imaginary catastrophe occurs or more like will be stuck with serious economic problems if it isn't, I am looking for someone who can try and bring this fucked up ship of state to some port. Clearly Romney has no idea what to do. Maybe Obama doesn't either, but he sure has a better sense of direction.



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Lou, what you feel about Ron Paul and others who you don't agree with on the issues is the same I feel about Obama, Bush, Romney etc. They are crazy mothers IMO. Why do you get so riled up? I'm just providing a different spin on the issues. Like you said, there are many reasons for the problems we have. There are no easy solutions, but doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same result is insanity. By participating in the system it gives their policies legitimacy. Like P. J. O'Rourke says, "Don't vote, it only encourages the bastards." So this is my perspective on the political situation. So, it's not yours. Who cares? I'm really not looking to go tit for tat with you on every issue. At least I provide sources and opinions from those who might have more knowledge than you or I even if you don't like their resumes. If you think they ar wrong so be it. I am fully aware of the obtacles facing those who wish to see a return to a more free-market based economy and a more fundamental approach to the interpretation of and adherence to the principles of the Constitution. It's not going to happen in my lifetime. I'm not stupid either. But one can always hope. Read what I post or don't. You are taking my posts way too seriously. I know the Cubs haven't won a World Series in your lifetime but you have Theo now. Relax. :D The more you respond the more you encourage the bastard. :thumbup

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Tell it, Lou!


I am totally convinced of the correctness of my choice in the election and, while I enjoy batting reasonable ideas back and forth, there's no changing my mind and there never has been. There are just two competing world views out there (OK, more than 2, but 2 that have a chance of gaining the presidency) and I am a dyed-in-the-wool liberal and that's it. I'll vote for the Democratic candidate every time, because the beliefs of that party overall are most consistent with my world view. I may feel more or less enthusiasm for a particular candidate, but there's no doubt in my mind which party I want to see in charge. For the record, I have a lot of enthusiasm for this president.


I was just talking to someone today about the debate "performances" and he had a good point: the very qualities that make someone come off as wishy washy or tentative in a televised debate are consistent with the qualities you'd want in a leader--thoughtfulness, careful consideration of all angles, not flying off the handle and attacking, etc. There is a lot to be said for projecting an image of forcefulness just because that does affect public perception, though, and job #1 right now for Obama is to get re-elected, so he's got to play that game. And he did this week, and hopefully will again on Monday.


Job #2 for Obama is to get the base energized and get voters out and win back some seats in the House and Senate.


Then all our problems will be solved. . . NOT. But we'll be on the right track, and the ads will be over, and we can all settle down somewhat.


To quote our hero: Things could always be worse. And, of course: We can make it better.

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FYI, the board is going to take on some maintenance this weekend, so everyone go do something fun!


I'm working, then making some jalapeno cheese cornbread and taking it to a fall outdoor party!



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Something I saw in an interview from a few years back with economist Doug Casey that has stuck with me. Lou, I'll save you the trouble http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Doug_Casey Have fun with the jalapeno cheese cornbread, Wendy...


"I'm convinced that most people don't vote for candidates they believe in, but against candidates they fear. But that's not how the guy who wins sees it; the more votes he gets, the more he thinks he's got a mandate to rule – even if all his votes are really just votes against his opponent. Some people justify this, saying it minimizes harm to vote for the lesser of two evils. That's nonsense, because it still leaves you voting for evil. The lesser of two evils is still evil."


From Jim Rogers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Rogers


"If they raise taxes, that's bad. If they delay everything, that's bad," he said. "None of this is good for us. Do you understand that the United States is at least in relative decline? They don't understand down there [in Washington]. All they want to do is get re-elected."

Even if Washington had the political will to do something about the fiscal cliff, Rogers said, it would make no difference.

"Let's say there's a fiscal cliff or not a fiscal cliff. We're gonna have serious problems next year and the year after," Rogers said. "For 2013 and 2014 you should be very worried, and you should prepare yourself."

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