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Hi Friends - I have finally updated the Tweedy Show mp3 archive (over 2,000 song files). All files have been meticulously logged and tagged so they can be easily filtered, searched, and sorted - in iT

The Tweedy Show Monday December 26 Episode 217 —Sammy welcomes the clients to The Tweedy Show.  —Susie is upset that she sees her reflection in the tv.  —“Hi, everyone! We forgot how to

I appreciate the accolades, but seriously, all the real credit goes to @u2roolz. The two or three times I filled in for him really showed me how truly dedicated he’s been to this project. It’s fairly

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We all need to come together as a community and pick a real deep cut and request it together. I recommend Chains of Broken Hearts from Mermaid Ave 3.

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Tonight’s “episode” if you can call that was about the most awesome intimate experience with the Tweedy’s that I could ever imagine. It just felt like an evening with the Tweedy’s. Well not exactly a normal evening at home I guess but it felt so real.

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Had Jeff played That’s How I Got to Memphis live before? I ask only because I’d love to track down a recording if one exists...

I asked the same question over in the SITA FB group, Diane replied he had not. Great tune! I first heard it when Jeff Daniels did it in the final scene of Newsroom (one of my favorite shows). 



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I asked the same question over in the SITA FB group, Diane replied he had not. Great tune! I first heard it when Jeff Daniels did it in the final scene of Newsroom (one of my favorite shows).


Just to be clear, I think I said as far as I know he hasn’t sung it publicly before. I don’t really know, of course.
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Sorry, didn't mean to misquote you. Where's Deadbase when you need it?


I asked the same question over in the SITA FB group, Diane replied he had not. Great tune! I first heard it when Jeff Daniels did it in the final scene of Newsroom (one of my favorite shows). 





Just to be clear, I think I said as far as I know he hasn’t sung it publicly before. I don’t really know, of course.

Sorry, didn't mean to misquote. I'll check Deadbase. Oops, wrong band.

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Time to jump on Boss_Tweedy, with Facebook you already have the worst social media in your life, Instagram is the least evil. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's still evil, for sure. Both have the same ownership but I think the IG community is a bit better. Sometimes. 

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Watched it again last night.  Jeff and Sammy did a killer duet cover of the Minutemen's "History Lesson -- Part 2."  I find the Tweedy Show to frequently make me uncomfortable -- but I can't look away.  :D

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Time to jump on Boss_Tweedy, with Facebook you already have the worst social media in your life, Instagram is the least evil. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's still evil, for sure. Both have the same ownership but I think the IG community is a bit better. Sometimes. 


I'm on! I joined in time to watch last night's fun and was not disappointed.

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Watched it again last night.  Jeff and Sammy did a killer duet cover of the Minutemen's "History Lesson -- Part 2." 

that was my favorite part.


also, Jeff dropping all the F bombs after someone said their young child likes the F bomb.

Sue was aghast and Jeff said something to effect that that kid had to be the happiest kid alive right now.

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Hi everyone. I recorded these for myself, but since I've seen a lot of people on here looking for recordings, I decided to post what I have on YouTube. I missed episode 1, and there are few interruptions from when alarms or texts popped up on my phone (especially during episode 2), but for those who missed them, I figure these are better than nothing. Obviously this isn't my content and I'm not making any money off this. If the Tweedys ask me to take them down, I absolutely will. But these brought me lot of joy so I thought I'd share.


Episode 2 (3/20): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8wTZBKEPY


Episode 3 (3/21): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr2y7Jsxbtc


Episode 4 (3/22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtSp6Q-zAE&t=12s


Episode 5 (3/23): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbi_VzpFgnk

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Hi everyone. I recorded these for myself, but since I've seen a lot of people on here looking for recordings, I decided to post what I have on YouTube. I missed episode 1, and there are few interruptions from when alarms or texts popped up on my phone (especially during episode 2), but for those who missed them, I figure these are better than nothing. Obviously this isn't my content and I'm not making any money off this. If the Tweedys ask me to take them down, I absolutely will. But these brought me lot of joy so I thought I'd share.


Episode 2 (3/20): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8wTZBKEPY


Episode 3 (3/21): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr2y7Jsxbtc


Episode 4 (3/22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtSp6Q-zAE&t=12s


Episode 5 (3/23): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbi_VzpFgnk

Really appreciate it, thanks.

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There seem to be a lot of people who, for whatever reason, aren't able to watch these on Instagram and have said they really appreciated these being posted up on YouTube. And Susie has said the Tweedys don't mind them being posted (at least for the time being). So I put up the latest two episodes. There's some weirdness going on in the middle of episode 6, but episode 7 is pretty clean. Enjoy.


Episode 6 (3/25/20) : https://youtu.be/_N_h5aQAVKQ


Episode 7 (3/26/20): https://youtu.be/CFk1XxEVtjA

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