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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Hope you're having a good one in my old town. Looking forward to seeing you (and your feet) in Chicago for the next residency. Cheers, Greg
  2. I know Dylan wrote this, but Richard Manuel owns this song.
  3. Anyone around here gonna be there? I'll be wearing my Wilco Residency shirt as a code to any of you that want to say hi. I'll be there a couple of hours early milling about the Mall and hopefully checking out the soundcheck, Greg
  4. Actually i was holding out for fear of reprisal from the indie police, but I'm going to see the Cult here in Richmond in about a week. Don't tell anyone though. Send a hello to Al. take care, greg PS - I can't believe how bad I'm slipping on my dates, I think The Razor's Edge was 1990 Thanks for curing my mental meltdown.
  5. It came out in '89. "Thunderstruck," and "Money Talks" were both big MTV and radio hits. It was a fairly big comeback album for them. I saw the tour for that album and it was a good show.
  6. Jailbreak was a 5 song-ep of earlier songs that we're previously unreleased in the U.S. It was released in the mid 80's, after three or so Brian Johnson albums. While you're checking old ACDC footage out on Youtube, go see the video for the Jailbreak (which was originally on the Australian release of Dirty Deeds) for some serious comedy. My favorite from the ep is "You Ain't Got A Hold On Me." As to that comment about The Cult's "Electric," being the best ACDC album, that's a legitimate debate. I've long thought that "Electric" was superior to any one ACDC album, though the CULT were only re
  7. I own every Bon album on vinyl. In fact along with my Kiss and early Van Halen records, they are the oldest surviving pieces in my vinyl collection. '74 Jailbreak is cream of the crop for me. I saw them on The Razor's edge tour and it was definitely a good, high energy rock show.
  8. \ I don't know how old you are, but based upon your comment, I'd venture that you're under 30. I think if you were over that age, this would be a non-issue. I suppose by default this also makes you hate Rose Tattoo?
  9. This article with two accompanying photos (one of Jim and one of the crowd) was on the cover of the Metro section the day after the show. Enjoy, Greg Jeffrey Lee Puckett Courier-Journal August 16, 2008 My Morning Jacket plays glorious gig for hometown crowd Some nights everything just seems to fall together in fairy-tale fashion, a confluence of events that leaves 10,000 people drained, smiling and wearing their hometown like it was a badge of honor. Saturday was one of those nights. Louisville
  10. I was in the pit towards the back, but that was okay as there was plenty of room. I went with two other big fans and a newbie and we all had a blast. For those who haven't been following the tour, Bruce has been pulling out stacks of song requests from the audience every night and then the band takes a stab at some very rare and decades since last played songs. Last night's big surprise was "Crush On You," a fun, up tempo rocker from "The River" that hadn't been played in 28 years, and I wont quite say they nailed it, but the result was pretty friggin' great. Bruce was on fire all night, jumpi
  11. Twenty years of concerts here, numbering in the thousands, and this one was right up there with anything I've ever seen. I was with Paul and Evonne on the rail pretty much immediately in front of Carl and they started the show at an amazingly high point in front of their largest ever Louisville crowd (10,000) and it just built all night with almost no let up. Most shows have arcs and are paced, but this one just ratcheted up notch after notch for three hours. The audience just showered the band with affection and was in total bliss all night, one guy was even crowd surfing, which somehow seeme
  12. Thanks for the heads up. I feel like she had a career peak with "Fox Confessor," so I'm really looking forward to this one.
  13. 27 songs. One of the longer shows of this tour for sure. Looks like a good one.
  14. I heard "Hang On" on the radio today in Louisville, KY and it made me very very happy.
  15. Here's an even longer look at the foramtive years of the band and pre-MMJ days as told by their peers and friends in another Louisville weekly, Velocity. This article is loaded with information. The hypemeter here is very, very high. Enjoy again, Greg Early Morning This weekend, My Morning Jacket will make a triumphant homecoming, playing for thousands in their native city. It didn't start out that way, of course. We talked to the people who were there at the beginning. Peter Berkowitz and Joseph Lord Velocity August 13, 2008 Email Print View Share Digg Del.icio.us Facebook Furl Google R
  16. Here's a nice and lengthy interview with Patrick in a local Louisville free weekly in prep for the show this Saturday. Enjoy, Greg
  17. Those toasty toes were a total bust for me. It took my toes a week to thaw out. Seriously though someone has to bring some kind of hard core sub zero tent that we can sit up or a kerosene heater. thanks for all of the good wishes. I may see some of you Chicagoans in |October if the Cubs make it to the World Series I'm so there.
  18. No worriesmy friend it's all good. Come and say hi to me in line if you get the chance. Ask around the front for Greg. Take care and have a safe flight.
  19. Even 8,000 people is a hell of a lot for a band that started out playing in tiny bars and coffee shops. I've never seen a Wilco show that wasn't at a festival with that kind of crowd.
  20. WFPK, the local Louisville station that is sponsering the show here this weekend is in MMJ overload. At varios times throughout the day today I heard: 1 - Off The Record 2 - Two Halves 3 - The way that he Sings 4 - Wordless Chorus 5 - Touch Me Part 1 In addition to that there's a local tv commercial for the show that sounds just like one of those cheesy old heavy metal show commercials. It says something about America's greatest rock n' roll band and has footage from Okonokos. I'm anticipating a massive crowd. Can't wait.
  21. Fellow August 12ther here! Congrats on being born on such a great day. I hope you a have a wonderful 12th, Greg (34) today.
  22. from one of your fellow B'Day cohorts, have a great one today. Hope to see you sometime in the future, Greg
  23. Yes I am, my family here in Louisville is gonna cook me a big ol' southern dinner tonight, then the monster MMJ show in a few days, General Admission to seeing Springsteen in Richmond on Monday and closing on a new house next week. So I'm looking at my birthday as a gift that will keep on giving this week. Tamela, I will so definitely be there again. Courtney even offered to put me up at her and Billy's place next time, so I'm already up $500 right there.
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