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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Got the Vinyl and 7" today and was stoked to see that a cs came with the vinyl as well. "Hang On," is my early favorite. Feeling sad for the guys with this being their release week with the news with Toby. I'ne no doubt that they'll rebound stronger than ever. I'm also really into the fact that one of my favorite bands releases albums in such rapid succesion. Wilco and MMJ should take note of this trend. Can't wait to see them again in September.
  2. Not to highjack the thread, but Springsteen Ga's are pretty easy. They give away one wristband per person for several hours ususally 2-5, then they stop giving them out. They pick a random number (say 509) then organize the line with 509, 510 second and so on for about 3-400 people, who go in the pit immediately in front of the stage. After that the list picks back up and goes up to the the highest number wristband they gave out, then goes up to 508, those people go on the floor immediately behind the barricade where the pit is. I've gotten into the pit like 7 out of 10 times the past 6 years.
  3. I just went to the local indie store here in Richmond to pick up the new cd and I couldn't find it anywhere. I asked a clerk about it and he looked it up on the computer and told me that he was sorry but all the copies had sold out. This has never happened to me before on a release day, so I asked how many copies had sold. He then told me to my utter astonishment that they only had 5 copies and that they all were gone in the morning! So, I'm not so happy right now. I'm wondering if the record store was severely underestimating DD or if their distribution is slow. One way or another it's pretty
  4. Even thinking about the weather that week in Chicago here in 98 degree mid-summer brutality makes my toes feel like they're going to fall off! That truly was utterly and totally cold beyond comprehension.
  5. YUP, I'll be there for sure, followed by MMJ in Louisville one week later, followed by Springsteen here in Richmond, two days after that. What are the plans for you and that big ol' teddy bear of a husband?
  6. Kevin, two more requests for "Dreamer" were just submitted via Richmond. It's in first right now.
  7. Here's the latest news from the Dr Dog camp, including the news about Toby: Hey Folks As you hopefully have noticed, FATE is coming out next week and there's all kinds of stuff to tell you about. Unfortunately we have to start this email off with some bad news. Here's the thing, Toby got punched in the throat last weekend and he is just now getting back to talking. After some cat scanning and throat poking the Doc told Toby that, while nothing is broken or cracked, he would risk more severe damage if he tries to sing too soon and strongly advised that he not sing this weekend. They gave h
  8. I saw Metallica in '86. I saw GNR in '87. The Black Crowes in 1990. Soul Asylum in '91 (which was actually fairly far along in their career, but before they went platinum.) I saw Green Day in '92, Public Enemy the same year. I saw the Smashing Pumpkins in a club in '93 I think. I saw Son Volt on the Trace tour. I saw Fugazi several times in the early 90's in small clubs. Living in Louisville I saw Freakwater, Rodan, Crain, Will Oldham (Palace, Bonnie Prince Billy) very early on and often. I'm pretty sure I was at a show or two where one of Jim James of MMJ early bands played. I saw Dr. Dog ope
  9. I wonder if Wilco has ever had a 30 page thread on the MMJ board?
  10. Wow, "Evil Urges," debuted at #9 on the Billboard Charts. That's a very impressive number for an immensely deserving band. It sold 50,000 copies in week #1. "Z" has to date sold 216,000 copies.
  11. I have the whole Green River discography on vinyl and cassette and still give them an occasional spin. I got into them through liking Mudhoney before PJ existed. I never made the transition to Mother Love Bone and only went back and listened to MLB post-Ten being released. If I lived anywhere remotely near the area of this show I would definitely be there.
  12. I have two extras for MMJ's hometown gig being billed as an evening with My Morning Jacket. Louisville Waterfront Park, Louisville, Kentucky. All tickets are General Admission. Selling at face plus fees, which comes up to $78. We can work something out via paypal or some other method. Thanks, Greg
  13. not to be totally obvious, but "Aluminum Park" is by far me favorite on EU, followed by "I'm Amazed." AP is so instantly catchy I feel certain that it's a song I've known my whole life. It's just stupid how simple, yet how effective that song is. I've tried about 5 times now and I'm not sure I'll ever listen to the side one of the vinyl all the way through ever again. The funny thing is I really like their cover of "West End Girls," which is probably the earliest indicator they ever gave of the likes of these first three songs. Who's gonna do NYE at MSG? I feel certain it'll be a show for the
  14. I don't know why, because they've done little to indicate otherwise but i still think the lakers will win this, possibly in 6 even.
  15. oh man i'm really not feeling most of this album after the first handful of listens. i've never had this problem with mmj before. i'll have to wait and see how things stack up live with the new tunes.
  16. I saw the New Pornographers at Toads and its a pretty intimate venue, though when its packed the sight lines aren't so great. They really have done a great job with the restoration of that building though. I've yet to go to a show at the National as there hasn't been something that I've absolutely had to seen. Hit me up if you wanna go see Dr Dog in Arlington later this summer or if you're an MMJ fan, I'll be going to the Charlottesville show as well. take care, Greg
  17. It was the single song I was most looking forward to for the Residency, but I too felt that it was a bit flat. they played it pretty safe I thought. it could've really rocked out a lot more than it did. I guess learning and relearning so many songs subjected some of them to being pretty basic. Nonetheless I'd take it in the setlist rotation any day of the week. "Shot in the Arm is the most played Wilco song ever. It should be retired for a few years.
  18. I was literally the first non-staff person on all of Brown's Island yesterday in Richmond for the show. I got there before 5, just in time to see all of Dr. Dog's soundcheck in 97 degree weather with the sun beating down mercilessly and no shade in sight. 3/5 of the band were soundchecking sans shirts. They did four new songs which were all great. The vibe at Friday Cheers shows is pretty horrible. About 80% of the people come out to drink and socialize and could care less about the music. This was no different last night, though those who were there to see Dr. Dog seemed to be fairly enthusia
  19. I'm prone to exaggeration, but that just might be my favorite episode of any tv show ever.
  20. This is already a classic and there's still an hour left. I was wondering how Sawyer was gonna be left out once he was on the helicopter and that was not at all what I was expecting. Wow!
  21. all joking and speculation aside. i fully expect jeff and jay to play together again someday. probably in another twenty years or so, but really how could they not at some point?
  22. Drake's, "Pink Moon," is steller! Highly recommended.
  23. I now have MMJ tix for two upcoming shows: Louisville and Charlottesville, VA! More to follow contingent upon my budget expanding.
  24. I would like the album more if it looked like this: 1. Either Way 2. Face 3. Impossible Germany 4. Sky Blue Sky 5. Let's Not Get Carried Away 6. Hate It Here 7. Glad It's Over 8. Leave Me 9. Walken 10. What Light 11. Thanks I Get As it is, I listen to it the least. Perhaps that has to do with how often I see the band live, and SBS has been the focal point for well over a year. I think that theory was applicable for the tours behind YHF and AGIB as well. I'm not sure what I expected with the current lineup when they recorded it, but SBS wasn't what I expected at all.
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