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Everything posted by jhc

  1. How else are they going to get beer?
  2. I've tried a few things and always have gone back to Word
  3. Yeah, but sometimes nuance detracts from a snippy objection to a catchy title as well Anyway, even setting aside ethical concerns for a minute, this really is the height of foolish quackery.
  4. you might want to ask yourself how cord blood cells from full term babies involved "killing babies" but I understant how nuance detracts from a catchy title
  5. I hope someone captured the webcast. Walken with horns? Sounds awesome...
  6. I'd really like to punch that guy in the face. Does that make me a bad person?
  7. I've noticed the Crowther stuff seems to be our of stock everywhere. I'll keep an eye out though.
  8. Do you know the chords for this one? Ben Folds, not Wilco unfortunately. So you wanted to take a break Slow it down some and have some space Well fuck you too! Give me my money back Give me my money back you bitch I want my money back (And don't forget to give me back my black T-Shirt) Wish I hadn't bought you dinner Right before you dumped me on your front porch Give me my money back Give me my money back You bitch I want my money back and don't forget And don't forget.
  9. OK, it looks like you have to enter some letters up in the top right corner and then click download. Then you have to wait 45 seconds or whatever it is.
  10. They usually make you wait something like 30-60 seconds before you can download. Wait a bit, and see then.
  11. Clearly this is banjo tab or the top 4 strings on a guitar
  12. Some people pay good mony for that. Or, uh, so I've heard.
  13. ---------- -(1)------ -------0-- --0h2----- -(3)------ ----------- don't actually play the strings in parentheses - that's just to indicate that you're doing the hammer on in the C chord shape
  14. jhc

    Jim O'Rourke

    Who cares, what does Wikipedia say?
  15. huh... didn't know that
  16. That's funny, I find the opposite. If you have trouble on the low strings, try starting out fretting at the 12th fret, either with a little vibrato or hammering on the fret. It gives it a little "kick start".
  17. I'm pretty sure that's not a legit album - looks like a bootleg of various live songs/outtakes.
  18. I found I can do a pretty good imitation of the War on War synths using and ebow + overdrive + wah
  19. Glenn went. And also me. Both AD and HWB were great, though it is the difference between and
  20. Weird - I dont think I've ever met anyone who thought that the area near Wrigley was Lincoln Park. As someone who spent most weekend evenings somewhere in Lincoln Park or "Wrigleyville" (no, not a frat guy) I learned the distinction pretty early on.
  21. jhc

    Lets Fight.mp3

    Let's Fight - MP3
  22. Why not post it on the "MP3 show exchange" thread?
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