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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP


    Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I listened to the CD and then listened to the track-by-track breakdown and was really confused because I didn't remember any piano.
  2. I'm pretty relieved with last night's election results. Nice to see Canada full out reject white nationalism, though I guess the conservatives gained a slight increase in power and they're not much better. The NDP swapped my riding from red to orange, so it felt nice to actually help elect a socialist. I'm proud of my country for staying reasonable even if Justin Trudeau isn't the most compelling leader anymore.
  3. I was a little disappointed it was Navy Blues and not One Chord To Another or Between The Bridges, which I think are stronger albums. But the songs sounded great live, that album really does hold up. There's a few really good songs on that album like Stand By Me, Yeah that you would never otherwise hear. After they did Navy Blues they left the stage for about 20 minutes and then came back and did maybe 15-20 songs from throughout their career, with every album from Twice Removed to 12 represented (sorry Smeared). The crowd was really into it and sang along to every song, even the non-singles a
  4. Ok I have refreshed my memory. I don't know what how much I can say since I don't know the person who won personally, but I can confirm someone definitely got the confirmation e-mail from Kung Fu a few days before the record came out.
  5. I think I heard a few weeks ago a winner was already contacted
  6. Joanna Newsom again! My wife is to Joanna as we are to Wilco.
  7. I'm not sure if I was even being completely serious, but maybe it is an idea worth considering?? I just wouldn't want anyone to feel excluded. Also not sure how the mod team here feels about us discussing other Wilco discussion groups. EDIT: New page, so I should probably get things back on track with some OTJ stuff. Here's a cool interview from John on the recording process.
  8. Hey Diane! Sorry if my post came across as critical of you or John. You guys are doing your best in a very tough situation. If you need anyone to come in and be a total jerk and just ban people (I am in favour of life time bans from anyone asking "what's your least favourite WIlco song?") I am your man. But that might just be putting gasoline on the situation!! Keep your head up. Even in the heyday of VC, people were quite rude. Having a Facebook is still appreciated by lots of us! Honestly I wish we could have a Facebook group of 500 people MAX, the people who are/were regular VC posters, o
  9. Well, that should be easier to track down than Warmer, hopefully. I thought to myself: that can't be real. It is and then you see the album cover.... Pop music!
  10. I would 100% of the time choose an album that causes this sort of a reaction out of the fanbase over an album with an apathetic "yeah it's OK I guess". That said, yeah, the Facebook group is pretty nasty right now. By no means the mod team's fault (I can't imagine how frustrating a job like that would be at times like this ...for no pay!!). I think it's just a symptom of the Facebook group getting too large in the past few years. ViaChicago continues to contain the best Wilco dialog on the internet.
  11. Should say in the linernotes or maybe the deadwax?? I'd guess United because they're notorious for warped discs. Sucks to hear there's issues, especially after all the orange copies of Schmilco were faulty.
  12. Who did the pressing? United?
  13. The top post on r/indieheads is "the best wilco album since whatever the last wilco album you liked was". Which I thought was pretty astute. I've seen "best Wilco album since" Yankee, A Ghost Is Born, Sky Blue Sky, and The Whole Love. At this point I think we have to admit while we might have personal feelings, objectively, Wilco has been very consistent. This is the best observation I've seen yet. I would also disagree with the sentiment that it sounds like Warm(er). Except for maybe An Empty Corner. Which is the last song, so I guess I can understand how that impression might get stuck
  14. For now! We'll see what happens after our federal election this fall.
  15. It is the price I have to pay to live in the country with the most freedom. #sorrynotsorry #gocanucks
  16. The following is a rant. And yes, I am aware I make the same rant every. damn. album. release. I got a shipping notification on October 1st, definitely not enough time to get to my Canadian prairie home in time for Friday's release. It's a little frustrating that even a lot of US people seem to be getting delayed considering a few weeks ago the Wilco Facebook page was boasting that if you pre-ordered they'd ship it so it arrives on release day. I don't understand how some companies, like Sub Pop or Merge, ship their stuff in a way that even international orders arrive on time, yet Kung Fu, FOR
  17. I'm sorry but the best way to rank the WIlco albums is alphabetically: A Ghost Is Born AM Being There Ode to Joy Schmilco Sky Blue Sky Star Wars Summerteeth The Whole Love Wilco (The Album) Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
  18. Yeah, I thought he asked a few questions that I've never heard asked before, especially to a non-Jeff Wilco member, about the inner workings of the band. Stuff that a nerd like me would find interesting. But he cut off almost all of Mikael's explanations with questions that weren't as interesting. When Mike was explaining that the band members were all technically employees, the host never let him finish that and at one point shortly after, I believe Mike tried to sum it up as "it's pretty casual" which I interpreted as everyone's obligation/relationship to Wilco, which is very interesting, bu
  19. Someone on the Facebook group didn't know what they were talking about?? I don't believe it!! Ok I do believe it.
  20. Hey Paul, another great run of Wilco reviews. Thanks for all you do. See you in Saint Paul?? And thanks to everyone else for adding their thoughts for this one. In regards to "Pat Watch", I feel like people were expressing these concerns about Pat before the hiatus as well. You never know what someone like him is dealing with, both in the band and in person, but my guess would be he's just focused on stage.
  21. Reminds me of seeing Japanese Breakfast last year and a group of people were dancing with a pineapple that eventually found it's way on stage. Seems like bringing a random object might be the cool new way to get noticed by the band. Dozens! No, but seriously. These posts regularly get 300ish views. I wonder if that's unique views? Or are the tens/dozens of us refreshing for updates sending the count up?
  22. Was it nice to watch them without two randos yelling "turn up the vocals!" in between every song?? That's right, SHADE THROWN!
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