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Everything posted by TCP

  1. That's what I was thinking. I'll go down and get the scope for you dudes, no need to worry.
  2. Guess this mean Firefly isn't coming back However, I'm sure it'll be great, as everything Joss does is.
  3. Look where BOiNK.cd goes now.
  4. I dig the name. This sounds much more promising then BOiNK. I'd like an invite too.
  5. "Long Time Sunshine" is equally as good as "Blast Off"!
  6. Kid A is one of my favorite records ever made. Start with that one.
  7. There's a bunch of fruit shaped shakers, apples, lemons, etc etc. You see them at music stores sometimes. I saw The Rentals use one once.
  8. I'd love a PM too, Soulseek isn't available for my intel mac.
  9. Bout time our friends in Australia got to see the band again.
  10. What are we going to do?! I'm not going back to buying an album without hearing it first!
  11. Good thing downloading is legal in Canada.
  12. There was some years that were really hard choices and some other years that made me think "what? none of these albums were good to my ears".
  13. This is a real good cover of "Simple Twist of Fate". I'm lovin' the fiddle.
  14. I have a sister you can marry for citizenship. No job, I need one myself come new year.
  15. Come to Vancouver and we can do this shit up.
  16. Weezer WAS high school for me. I'm looking forward to this but I have a feeling it'll be stuff Weezer posted on their website five years ago.
  17. 160 kbps, isn't great but you have to think about where you're listening to it. If you're downloading music for your ipod to listen to in your car or on the bus or whatever, then it's fine, cause you're already in a bad listening environment.
  18. TCP

    Jeff on bass

    Yeah him and John switched between guitar and bass in the Anodyne days.
  19. I smell another A Ghost Is Born EP with two studio tracks and some live cuts.
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