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Everything posted by jimtweedy1977

  1. I doubt it would happen, but it would be cool if the film crew for Sunken Treasure was filming this.
  2. definitely looking forward to this one!
  3. I caught the tail end of a documentary featured on Sundance today about Robyn Hitchcock. It appears that it was filmed during the recent Venus 3 tour and the documentary features our friends Scott, Peter, and Bill prominently. I had never listened to the guy before but the music featured sounded interesting enough. It comes on again Saturday morning at 3am (eastern time) if anyone wants to tivo it. It runs about an hour.
  4. Glad to hear you're doing better Nels. Hope you continue to have a speedy recovery.
  5. I agree about Starr Hill. I was shocked to see it close; it seemed like they always did good business. But the Satellite Ballroom is awesome. Can't wait to see Avett Bros. there on September 21!
  6. I'll bet the farm for that. Thank goodness they're recording with another producer. A dream collaboration would be with Nigel Godrich though. I think that would be a kickass album. Of course, at this point, anything would be better than Around The Sun. That album killed any desire for me to see them live again.
  7. Some favorites of mine: Dick's Picks 4 (2/13-14/70-especially the third disc) Dick's Picks 16 (11/8/69-especially the second disc) Dick's Picks 21 (11/1/85) Skull & Roses (Grateful Dead) Reckoning
  8. I agree that 'Wreck Room' would fit in nicely
  9. At first when I saw the ending, I wanted to kick the tv in. I think it was mostly because I had Journey stuck in my head all day. But seriously, after I started thinking about it, it makes sense in the way that Chase wants us to view the characters as we would be observers in peoples' everyday lives. We've just been voyeurs for the last decade. Sometimes we move out of peoples' lives and we don't know what happens to them anymore. Do we care? Sometimes. Plus, it leaves a lot to the imagination. Does the Leotardo guy come out of the can and blow Tony away? Take out the rest of the Sop
  10. I haven't any of his stuff beyond one particular album, but I bought that album without knowing who he was and on the basis of really great songs-Todd Snider. The album-Near Truths & Hotel Rooms. He is in the vein of Robert Earl Keen & Jerry Jeff Walker. He writes some funny songs, sad songs, and just beautiful songs. He also tells some funny stories. favorite tracks-Beer Run, The Story of the Ballad of the Devil's Backbone (or something pretty close to that; the story is actually funnier than the song); Long Year, Talking Seattle Grunge Rock Blues (silence; the alternative to alt
  11. Back before Sauer on Friday, Hilton's entire body trembled as the final pitch was made for her further incarceration. She clutched a ball of tissue and tears ran down her face. Seconds later, the judge announced his decision: "The defendant is remanded to county jail to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence. This order is forthwith." Hilton screamed. Eight deputies immediately ordered all spectators out of the courtroom. Hilton's mother, Kathy, threw her arms around her husband, Rick, and sobbed uncontrollably. Deputies escorted Hilton out of the room, holding each of her arms as
  12. How about that version of Sunken Treasure!? Me like!
  13. I've been thinking about this since this whole issue arose. I don't want to jump in and be a band apologist. But I still honestly believe that its not our business what the band does with their work. Does Jeff come to your place of employment, smack you on the back on the head and say, "I can't believe you just filled out those TPS reports that way! If you really cared about your work, you would cross your i's and dot your t's because its a pure form. You're a sellout! I'm not reading your memos anymore!" Does that smell like bullshit or what? Sure, it's art (the music Wilco creates) bec
  14. The Velvet Underground: Self-Titled/Peel Slowly & See Disc Four Fantastic-probably my favorite VU record
  15. thirded. I forgot about that one. my copy has seen its better days
  16. I've mentioned them here before, but I'll say it again...the Avett Brothers. While they're mostly known for their high energy shows (using guitar, banjo, upright bass, and kickdrum no less), they also have songs with really pretty melodies. I'd love to see these guys open for Wilco one of these days.
  17. I would agree that the Spitz book is an interesting read. Also, check out the Complete Beatles Chronicle. Each chapter is divided into the years they were a group and each chapter begins with a narrative account of what happened that year. Then, the rest of the chapter chronicles the recording, tv, film, and radio sessions and live appearances that occurred that year. The book also has lots of nice pictures of the beatles and various memorbilia.
  18. That's what I figured too, but I just want to verify this so I can let Rob know whether or not he should change it.
  19. hi folks, I'm trying to clear up a discrepancy for Wilcobase. I was wondering if you guys could help out. If anyone has the complete show for 4/21/99, could you pm me and let me know whether or not 'Red-Eyed & Blue' was played before 'I Got You'? This would be much appreciated.
  20. Of course he wants a submarine. Jeff's trying to get to the island to rescue Jack and Juliet. Oh wait, never mind, too late for that.
  21. Was it specifically mentioned that his father was alive? I know the pharmacist mentioned that his father had approval to write prescriptions. But what if no one knew that his father had died previously? I assumed that's why Jack told the pharmacist not to bother calling his father.
  22. This film was shot in the town where I lived for a couple of years. I actually got to see the Ark.
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