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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Last minute bad decision today: benching Donovan McNabb for Hasselbeck. C'mon Hasselbeck, 400 yards today!
  2. Very cool pictures. Autumn is my favorite season: cool weather, fire in the fireplace, playoff baseball, football, fresh apples, etc.
  3. I'll be catching Phil & Friends at the Fillmore this Friday (and hopefully up at Red Rocks the following night barring parental duties) and have noted that Donna Jean is in town Friday and Saturday with the Zen Tricksters. They're playing literally a 2-3 min. drive from the Fillmore and was thinking it could be interesting if she were invited to do a few tunes with Phil & Co. As far as I know, she's still on good terms with him. On a side note: I bought a bike from a guy downtown about an hour ago and his old, ornately-carved wooden front door had a huge stained-glass window on the
  4. I've seen them a few times over the years in Denver and in various incarnations. Pretty talented group of musicians and I like the Folk-y aspect of some of their stuff but a lot of it is just a little too moody for me, I think. They definitely had (are they still together?) a unique twist to them.
  5. Well, Gagne maintains in the 8th and the bats come up big in the 9th for the Sox to clinch a post-season spot. Here's hoping they can maintain the lead in the division. Standing ovation in Tampa. If there were more people in the stands it'd have been as if they were playing in BOS with the crowd support.
  6. I majored in English as well and didn't get a chance to read a lot of the books until after I got the degree. I started a re-read of On the Road this week. Not the revised version.
  7. That's cool. Is Chief still an enormous man? He, Esposito, and Orr were quite the dominating force in their day.
  8. Tased guy: I told the cops I'd walk out on my own. They didn't listen. I told them not to tase me. They didn't listen. Curious bystander: But didn't the cops ask you to do a bunch of stuff too and you didn't listen? Tased guy: hem...haw....
  9. Yeah, but the guy who did the study is from Tufts in Boston, so it's just another show of money talking.
  10. What are the alternatives when someone is resisting? Shooting them with a gun? Clubbing them with batons? Theren were 4-5 cops on him and he still would not cooperate. He needed to be tased to incapacitate him.
  11. They were a band for about a decade, notably as an 80s "indie" band but broke up in the early 90s. I don't think they got a lot of nationwide appreciation.
  12. This is one I enjoy a bunch and actually haven't listened to in ages, though: The Nields, Gotta Get Over Greta: Of course I've now gone over my time(album) limit....
  13. That would have been a good bit if he had been, though.
  14. Good call. One of my all-time favorite "driving" albums. Great for the road. ed. An "hey," what's shakin' Jg?
  15. I think tasers are meant not specifically to take someone down, but to make someone comply that isn't complying with requests. It's hard not to comply when you're flappin' around like a fish on nitrous. I'll submit that they're relatively harmless in comparison to other uses of force deemed for suspects not willing to follow simple instructions. Point: taser.
  16. I've already stated that I think the heat could have asked him nicely to step away before cutting off the mic and putting their hands on him ("UNHAND ME!" could have been a good catch-phrase, too) but this doesn't sway me from the belief that tasering, in general, should be more prevalent in our society. Not just by the cops, either. I think it would be a great deterrent in schools, too.
  17. I think if more people were tasered when they get all uppity and defiant there'd be less of the displayed bullshit by the student. People would begin acting a little more respectful and less self-righteous, maybe.
  18. My point is less about the specific cited pitcher stats and more about the factors governing home field "advantage."
  19. It may not, but it may, too. When you look at split stats between home/road games there is a distinct advantage for NYY, LAA, and BOS playing in their home parks in terms of offense. There are splits for pitchers (Beckett, Schilling, Matsuzaka have lower ERAs on the road), etc. Little things in the long run, but differences that can add up, as well, to contributing to successful post-seasons.
  20. It was a fluke from Papelbon last night giving up the slammer with a bad location pitch, but still. Lugo loafing it down the first-base line last night? Wow. It does seem there is no urgency from the Sox to wrap up the division. Manny needs to be played. Three weeks he's been out now, yet continues to take batting practice an suit up. Frustrating. Francona said in The Globe yesterday that he'll "stick to the plan" in using Gagne in the 8th as Okajima is out. Christ on a stick. I'd like to see Timlin take the 8th or at least split up the duty with Manny Delcarmen. If the pitching thin
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