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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Strong Hand 3:16 Emmylou Harris Stumble Into Grace It
  2. That's gotta be it. Unless...there are others. Ugh.
  3. I once saw a movie in which they showed a younger but still goofy looking Art Garfunkel completely naked ass shot. The image has been ingrained in my head for over 15 years now.
  4. Just caught wind of this: A few Dylan compilations at ridiculously low prices ($0.25). Yes, that's 25 cents.: Biograph http://www.sonymusicstore.com/store/c/Bob-...D/LT_sku=26824/ Bootleg Series Vols. 1-3 http://www.sonymusicstore.com/store/c/Bob-...D/LT_sku=25199/ Greatest Hits Vols. 1-3 http://www.sonymusicstore.com/store/c/Bob-...D/LT_sku=50785/
  5. Watch your tongue around your elders. And get the hell off my lawn!!
  6. So this is just a collection of everything most Dylan fans already own, correct? I did skim the thread, too.
  7. Drank some beers with Brent from the Dead after a show in NO at a bar on Bourbon St. Hung out with Vince Welnick for most of an afternoon at the bar he was playing at that night. When I left I said" "I'll talk to ya later...."
  8. Empty Bottle Blues 1:38 They Might Be Giants They Got Lost Great Divide:Revisited 5:16 Hot Tuna America's Choice Inn Town 5:51 Whiskeytown Strangers Almanac Astronaut 3:23 G. Love The Hustle Salt Of The Earth 4:47 The Rolling Stones Beggars Banquet Anway 7:22 Paul McCartney Chaos And Creation In The Backyard C&H Pure Cane Sugar / Scum 5:28 Meat Puppets 11/26/1995 - Hampton, VA The Times They Are A-Changin' 3:29 Bob Dylan The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Live 1964 Loser 4:10 Jerry Garcia Garcia This Wheel's On Fire > 14:30 Phil Lesh and Friends 2005-12-09 - House of Blue
  9. Hey, those Junie B. Jones books aren't too bad. My 5th graders (well, some of the girls at least) love 'em. My 7 year old has been digging on this series of late: And I have started yet another book as of last night:
  10. Hey, only about 1300 pages to go!! That's cool, though. I've never read it but can appreciate you tackling it.
  11. Nice to see Rick Ankiel back in the majors. A three-run blast for the Cardinals last night in his first game back, this time as an outfielder. I always felt sorry for the guy at the end of his first stint as a pitcher.
  12. Billy Cobham should be in the top 5. Eh, just another weak list.
  13. Maybe I missed it but how old is your son that you want to take, Crowjack? Sounds like he's a teenager - taller than you and all (unless you're really short).
  14. If anyone is interested, the good folks at Baseball Prospectus have weighed in on Bond's surpassing of Aaron. Goes to show just how polarizing the issue is, I guess. http://baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=6570
  15. CHIEEEEEEEEEEFFFFF!!!!! That's cool. I rapped with Bill Walton for a few minutes at a Phil and Friend's show at Red Rocks a few years back. He was right in front of the soundboard and needed help getting up the stairs between set break and after the show (I'm assuming his knees are pretty shot). He's kind of hard to miss at a little under 7 ft. He didn't dance much but liked to raise his arms above his head with balled fists. He must've spanned 10 ft. or so from fist to toe.
  16. I forgot about this, actually. Went to see Hunter give a talk at Washington & Lee U. in VA in the late 80s. He was late and half in the bag, of course, but it was still an intellectually meaningful time and he signed books after-words. The chick and the guy I were with were hanging around outside the back door of the auditorium a little later and out pops HST. He hands me a near empty clear pitcher of water he had been using all night and said/half-barked: "Here! Have some acid!" I took it and laughed and he asked if anyone had a joint (we didn't). Then he did a full leap ( not head
  17. Looks like it's from the Warfield/Radio City run. And I realize folks are capable of going to youtube themselves, but... Here's a snippet of Garcia warming up pre-show. Kind of goofy but it's the kind of stuff I like: Also, a decent tribute someone put together a couple of years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmWrpi4wngE And a smokin' "Fire" featuring Garcia and Carlos w/ Baba Olatunji's Drums of Passion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veMIlpyYoqc
  18. I did the same thing. A buddy called me at work (I was a cook in a restaurant) and I told the manager I had to leave immediately due to a death in the family. We all met up at a friend's house in the mountains west of Boulder and drank some beers commiserating and then drove down to Boulder for the Merl show.
  19. That's awesome. Pretty damn cool. I wonder if he thought he was at a gig....
  20. "Meanwhile, Dylan's release appends "Dignity" to the CD portion as well as "Tombstone Blues," "John Brown" and "Desolation Row" to the Dvd." I just returned from the library and picked up the DVD of Dylan unplugged that came out a while back and it's got these four tunes on it already....
  21. Not to high-jack, but catch a sweet (check out the line up) Levon helm and CO. show from '73: http://concerts.wolfgangsvault.com/concert...=20050424|12903
  22. That Dylan unplugged is really nice. Glad to see the excellent additions to be made. I think the Neil Young one is my favorite, with the Nirvana one a close second.
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