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Everything posted by awatt

  1. Thanks for posting....I definitely will not refer to SBS as "mellow"!! I do hear the restlessness and discontent underneath the surface.
  2. I bought the Wilco rising shirt, which I couldn't resist (and the wife loved it)...
  3. Impossible for me to do since they're so different, though I suppose I'm partial to the last two which have a stronger Jeff presence. Is the anthology worth getting? Still don't have that one for some reason.
  4. This isn't on Wilcoworld yet....maybe they'll continue on through the South for another few shows????
  5. You going to Austin City Limits? That's the next likely show, though I'm so tempted to find a way to west coast in August. The username still applies, which is why I haven't changed it yet.
  6. I know, I thought the same thing reading it. Seems to over-dramatize what was basically a downpour.
  7. A friend just sent me this notice of live version now available: The concert began in near-hurricane conditions, with a massive storm front entering the area exactly at the time of the concert. Massive downpours, thunder, lightning, and huge gusts of wind descended upon the area, and drenched all involved. Most of the tapers were forced to seek shelter and break down their equipment. This recording was possible because the taper braved the conditions and managed to get some shelter under the canopy. The rain hitting the canopy is audible on the recording, along with the sound of the r
  8. Just want to say Pneumonia is really growing on me. I'll continue to work my way through the Adams catalog.
  9. So know one has mentioned they played this in Charlotte last night? Perhaps someone in the band keeps up with VC forum?? I heard Jeff play this solo and it sounded perfect, a superb rendition that seemed right in postST era. Last night the band played the hell out of it. Here's hoping they keep it in the set!
  10. Fan-fucking-tastic, again. My only question now is will I EVER be disappointed???? Please someone post the Sunken Treasure (was slightly unsure it was worth the drive after being drenched in the ATL downpour then piling in the car with the gang to drive 3.5 hours to a hotel that was not too close to Ovens in a crazy freaking city to drive in, but when I saw Jeff strap on the acoustic and start ST, I knew all was right in the world!). Agree with everything said so far, sound was great, crowd was enthusiastic, song selection was sweet as can be (California Stars and Always in Love were es
  11. God damn, I'm going to go see this, with Wilco and Bob Dylan, how can we pass it up???
  12. Late too, but since I don't even know you, probably doesn't matter. Happy B'Day! Enjoy everyday!
  13. This is right when school starts.... Damn school!!! Who needs to go to the chair's retreat???!!! I'm going to plot but I'm not hopeful. All of you who can go, should go to this show!!
  14. No, that's the psycho guy in Fargo, right? There are no psychos in Germany, right?
  15. We were in the second row, left side. Too bad we didn't get a chance to meet. An amazing show. I can't wait until tomorrow night, indoors!
  16. Leatherman, did you get wet or were you backstage?
  17. Un-fucking-believable show. I'm soaked--from my socks to my hair. I don't know where to begin.... From BT: Outta Site (closer) From Summerteeth: Shot in the Arm (stands out as one of the best versions I've seen), VC From YHF: War on War, Kamera, IATTBYH, Jesus Etc., HMD, ITMWLY From AGIB: Handshake Drugs, Kidsmoke, Hummingbird From SBS: Either Way, Face, SBS, Seeds, Shake it Off, IG, Hate it Here, Walken Probably missing a few songs, but god damn what a great show, in the rain. I can't wipe this grin off my face. The kids loved it (the kid, really, since the younger one got tired and h
  18. For an interesting Rushdie diversion, and pretty unusual interpretation of the Wizard of Oz phenomenon:
  19. For a while I was considering not going. I finally came to my senses.
  20. Nothing really comes to mind with current band line-up. But in the BT days, they likely would have done some rip-roarin Stones songs (don't know the history so may indeed be some of these covers).
  21. Wow, leatherman, congrats!! You received notification you won over email? Drat, double drat!! Should be extra special. Be sure to report back afterward.
  22. Just be prepared for traffic. Leave early to get to the show. I'm generally the over-anxious type, but they are calling for thunderstorms Tuesday night...
  23. Here's the restaurant: http://www.horseradishgrill.com/index.htm It's quite good, but a bit overrated.
  24. awatt


    One more song! One more song!...
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