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Everything posted by uncool2pillow

  1. Hmmm... Watched it on the computer about 3 weeks ago when I purchased it. Just tried to watch it on my TV and it really fucked m/ my DVD player. At first, it just acted like it was scratched. I cleaned the disc and the lens, then tried again and it was worse. It froze my DVD and sounded like I put the disc in a blender. Had to unplug the player. I've tried other DVDs in my player and they work fine. The Ashes DVD still works fine in my computer. Any suggestion?? Other than just play in my computer??
  2. The league of the team he was playing for when he tested positive. edit: but perhaps you're taking my suggestion more seriously than intended.
  3. I think home field advantage should go to the league with the fewest total days of suspension due to performance-enhancing drugs.
  4. I didn't have quite that strong of a reaction. Watching this did make me feel a bit queezy, though. Maybe the only time I felt sorry for the man. I did jury duty on a trial that involved 3rd degree burns. It may be worse than death.
  5. I had no idea Manuel played for the Twinkies. Great photo.
  6. I'll be pulling that CD out soon. Cannot think of the tune at all.
  7. I consider myself right of center. I consider Palin just slightly right of a typical John Birch Society member.
  8. I think he'll continue to do solo material because he wants to perform the "pop" stuff that just isn't the 97s sound. I'd rather have that than have the Old 97s play some of his solo stuff. I'm a fan of a lot of his solo material, but it's not the same.
  9. Being on the Ed Sullivan stage certainly warrants pulling out a Beatles tune.
  10. Moon was directed by Duncan Jones, aka Zowie Bowie, aka son of David Bowie. I watched The Wrestler tonight. One of the most difficult movies I ever watched. Absolutely brutal. Rourke deserves the praise he got for that movie.
  11. 99% chance you're wrong. According to this, they're on tour right now.
  12. Maybe we'll see this on the presidential limo soon. While searching for that image, I came across this. Don't remember seeing it before.
  13. Back on topic... Just read this by Peggy Noonan. Certainly not a favorite writer, often too impressed with her own cleverness, but she nails how many conservatives feel about Palin. It reads like a more polite version of Matt Taibbi's piece about her in Rolling Stone last year. http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB124716984620819351-lMyQjAxMDI5NDE3MDExNjA5Wj.html
  14. One of the reasons we have to be skeptical of a government fix. We're asking a governmental system that's corrupt and broken to fix this system?
  15. A bit of hyperbole there. Organic and natural is a better option for sure, but can we produce enough affordable food that way to feed all of us? Are the services provided in the hospital today equal to what they were in 1957? Have you seen the (secular meaning here) miracles performed in the NICU? The technology and innovations made to make that possible isn't free. Is 4 days in the hospital in 1957 equivalent to 2 or 3 days today? IMO, one of the reasons health care is so expensive is that so few of us see the real cost. We pay our pittance of a co-pay and let our insurance, pai
  16. Ummm... The operating system would take up some of the available memory.
  17. Most of the people here can't seem to do it either. http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/27263-rank-the-wilco-albums/page__st__700
  18. In the case of the iPod, isn't part of that .3 gb loss due to the OS?
  19. Direct link. Lest anyone confuses Muammar Qadhafi with Jeff Tweedy.
  20. I think he could get away with ripping on her. If he's truly a conservative now, and I believe he is, he could get a lot of traction from conservatives like me who see right through her shallowness. Sure, he's lose a few of the FoxNews crowd, but oh well.
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