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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. i knew you'd like that!! next up: You Are My Face
  2. hmm... maybe Jeff's been reading the board lately. only 16 'nothings'
  3. YAY! it's starting! Misunderstood!!
  4. nice photo's poppydawn!! and Jeff certainly does look pretty damn good with that hat on!!
  5. and a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  6. i have a mac, use safari, and have dowloaded xAct and figured out how to use it. after converting the files to wav in xAct, all you have to do is add the wav files into itunes (well, this is what i use anyways) and then convert that to mp3. the link that sweetheartmine posted is very easy to follow!
  7. hope everything works out the way you want it!!!
  8. YAY! I hope your future is filled with nothing but happiness!!!
  9. that's really wicked that you managed to share such an amazing experience with your son, especially being claustrophobic. i have an uncle who suffers from schizophrenia and gets really uncomfortable in crowds (i know it's not quite the same as you, but still) and i wish he was well enough to go out and be a part of these experiences. here's to more shows for you and your family in the future! thanks for sharing!!
  10. yeah i know i didn't have a chance to really sink in and take the time to find the interesting/quirky areas (that i'm sure are out there), but this was just my first impression of the city. i mean, just the vibes when you are walking downtown seem kind of stiffled. like i said, the only other big city that i have to compare Seattle to is Vancouver. the first time I was in Vancouver, I immediately felt ALIVE and like there was so much to do. that city just feels so vibrant and amazing to just BE in. i don't really do much of the touristy stuff in vancouver, and i don't have lots of money t
  11. WOW! sounds like a great night was had by all!!
  12. I like #3 of Elizabeth's the most!! that's pure gold!
  13. Yeesh! You're still a youngin'! Hope you've had and continue to have a great birthday!! Party!!
  14. blindgonzo


    i've listened to some UT, but unlike some of you, i can't seem to enjoy jay's voice. i'm not saying it's bad, just not my thing.
  15. I never get tired of hearing Spiders. I get completely zoned into that song!!!
  16. i have VERY limited experience with seattle (i was only there for about 23 hours), but i was pretty underwhelmed by it. i thought the transit was horrible compared to other big cities (i only have vancouver to compare it to, which has fantastic transit, me thinks), and i really wasn't digging the downtown area. i mean, there are definitely some interesting streets, events, attractions, etc. but I really didn't get good vibes there.
  17. I was pretty surprised when I heard the opening drum beats of Too Far Apart in Vancouver. I think that Wilco mixes it up quite a bit compared to other bands. I mean, seeing 3 shows in one week, I think I got about 40 different songs!!! I think that's pretty amazing!
  18. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wicked day!!!
  19. vibes of peace and comfort have been sent to your grandpa (and to you too!!)
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