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Everything posted by froggie

  1. that doesnt count cause it cant be overrated!
  2. my 2nd favourite CSN song (after Southern Cross).. Nash even praised that pedal steel part
  3. they're touring here in November with the Turtles. worth checking out after 40 years??
  4. aww, come on!. if that was recorded later in the year when the shows were stronger, it'd be blast
  5. thanks beerboy!! (yep, i'm macedonian!)
  6. i've been watching that clip for a few days and it seems like it is staged. ususally bob walks around with a fake wig and a beanie. the one time i "met" him, he had a bath towel over his head. plus he usually has Baron, his security guard near him. plus, i wish he'd dress like on the clip above when he's on stage, instead of wearing that little suit and having a wedding cake on his head
  7. not if you aimed properly!. plus, stick it out for a few days until all this Collingwood hoopla dies down!. glad you had fun
  8. sorry for your loss. with me, it can be either happy or sad tune, as long it reminds me of that period. i lost my grandparents in '96 and '99, and listening to songs of that era takes me back
  9. people keep finding lonely cows or puppies on their farm - OH NO!
  10. Ed Kuepper & Chris Bailey back together for a duet tour. i did the filming and my friend in France did the montage. i wish Tweedy & Farrar would do this one day
  11. i'll gladly go see Almost Famous in the cinema again... does it for every time
  12. dont tell me Billy Connolly was in the audience!. "and suddenly burst open his troosers, and oot flops his great big willy!. no. its completely troo - no a word of a lie!"
  13. was sunken treasure played in the solo tweedy arrangement, or the Being There one?
  14. was that Atlantic city in 99? (where the first show was 95% acoustic?)
  15. nice tune. not to be a party pooper, but i find it weird how robert keeps trying to distant himself from his past, but still refers to it. first he says he cant sing a zeppelin song ever again (which changed). then he names the unledded album 'no quarter' (even though Jones wasnt involved). now he names his current band the same as the one he was in with his best friend before Zep formed. oh, i just realised Bonham died 30 years ago
  16. Nightshift Commodores Music & Lyrics : F. Golde - W. Orange - D. Lambert Marvin, he was a friend of mine And he could sing a song His heart in every line Marvin sang of the joy and pain He opened up our minds And I still can hear him say Aw talk to me so you can see What's going on Say you will sing your songs Forevermore (evermore) Gonna be some sweet sounds Coming down on the nightshift I bet you're singing proud Oh I bet you'll pull a crowd Gonna be a long night It's gonna be all right On the nightshift Oh you found another home I know you're not alone On the nightshift Jackie (Ja
  17. i heard the Gilmour buzz was that he'll do some surprise appearances on the tour.. probably in the UK if roger heads over there
  18. now here's someone who knows how to come with a good piano tune..
  19. i've always loved Vagabond Heart from 1991 (IMO, his best album), but havent been interested in anything he's done since then
  20. yes and no for me. i'd be happy to never hear wilco play Handshake, Shot or Man again. but there's always a surprise or two. i know dylan fans that leave before the encore to get away from the traffic, cause the encore will be LARS and AATW, and recently Jolene. when chris bailey and ed kuepper toured again this year (the equivalent of tweedy/farrar doing a joint solo tour), i didnt care what they played - it was more the fact that they can play together again. the same with Led zep in 2007 - i dont think anyone in the audience cared what they'd play, as long it was a good performance. plu
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