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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. +1.... That was one of the more bizarre things I've seen. Was this guy a Raider before??
  2. The deep breath after the unanswered phone call and right before Mother on Pink Floyd's The Wall.
  3. Yet another casualty of the convenience of the digital age.... MP3's and iPods and spotify and iTunes have pretty much eliminated these for me. One that I remember was the little poem on the back cover for Smashing Pumpkins "Adore" about the 17 track at the end : 17 seconds of compassion 17 seconds of peace behind which all is created 17 seconds to remember all that is good 17 seconds to forget all your hurt and pain 17 seconds of faith 17 seconds to trust you again 17 seconds of radiance 17 seconds to send a prayer up 17 seconds is all you really need
  4. Reservations. The album version is a lot more beautiful. The sparseness of it, the deliberateness of the piano, and the outro all "fit" the song much better than the acoustic guitar based version they do live these days. It loses its uniqueness (versus all the other acoustic guitar slow songs in the catalog) live for me. I think it's time to rework that one for playing live.
  5. Funny you should mention that. It's not true, btw. One of the things I've enjoyed about Spotify lately is that I can download stuff to an iPod touch and listen to it offline in the car. And one of the things I've been binging on is old Queen. I was a huge fan of theirs in high school, but have since sold all my 8-tracks I had of theirs... So I've grabbed all their back catalog (up to about Jazz) from Spotify and have been listening to it a lot lately. It's been a great re-discovery and trip down memory lane. Both new and familiar at the same time. The thing that has surprised me the mo
  6. Taco Tico Today! Time to close out 2013 with a BANG!
  7. Yeah, I love sundown on Christmas Eve.... that's when I know it's all over but the cooking and probably wrapping. The most peaceful moment of the year...
  8. There's obviously a "Passenger Side" feature in this superpower which I would have. It's in the back of the brochure under "available options". You seem to be having trouble agreeing with my plan. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. Step a little closer so I can explain it better. Yes, just a little closer... that's good... now, take my hand and let's see if we can reach an understanding about this. See, isn't that better?
  9. The flying part is pretty easy... no traffic, no lines, not even a ticket! I could just drop in stageside... hang out with Stan... hover over the stage "hummingbird" style. And I usually have to go pretty far to see them, so the drive back is never much fun. Flying would definitely be the way to go. As for the assigned diplomat power, Charlie's got that pretty well scoped out above. I can't quite get my head around how to get the assholes and the non-assholes to "agree"... do we just all agree to talk during Radio Cure? I've always wanted my own setlist at a concert, especially a Wilc
  10. the real question here is what are you two doing? aside from getting another year older.
  11. fair enough. still, I don't get it. At the risk of infringing on Dick's turf, I offer the following: fame[feym] Show IPA noun 1. widespread reputation, especially of a favorable character; renown; public eminence: to seek fame as an opera singer. 2. common estimation or opinion generally held of a person or thing; reputation.
  12. I'm squarely in that demographic, but was never a fan at all. I will vouch for the 95% though. Everybody (else) loved them. I remember someone giving me "KISS ALIVE" on 8-track as a Christmas gift in high school, saying "I hope you don't already have that one". I didn't. Other than the "army", I really don't see why they are in the HOF. I don't think they moved the needle in any way other than grease paint and fake blood.
  13. Flying. Which I assume comes with "landing" as well.
  14. Exactly! That was another name I remember for those... the small, individual ones.
  15. I prefer threads with less complicated instructions, like this one.
  16. Mostly baking... we have a family recipe for "nut rolls" (gotta be a better name out there, but that's what we call 'em) which are a rolled up walnut cookie in a pastry dough that's kind of a cross between pie crust and shortbread. Those are pretty labor intensive, so not too many of those. And pizzelles, the Italian anise-flavored waffle cookies. Those are easier and we make a zillion. Everyone we know gets pizzelles in December...
  17. I'm thinking he didn't make it across the road.
  18. Timely topic... I'm currently in the second month of a two month "free trial" period that they gave me. I like it a lot so far, mainly for the chance to check something out that I hear about. I listen on my home stereo that's hooked up to an iTouch, so I need the mobile access. I'm almost willing to pay the $10 a month for that, but I'm a tightwad and hate to do it. I may check out the new free mobile deal and see if I can live with that. I'm OK with some ads. Just want to be able to check out an album from start to finish. The desktop version is fine for me, but it's not hooked up to
  19. I definitely like Dreamer In My Dreams on the album better than anything I've heard live lately. I love the fiddle part, and sorry, but Nels' guitar just doesn't fill it in for me like the album. And the raw, out-of-control-ness on the album doesn't seem to show up live. And I'm starting to re-like the album version of Spiders more than the current reworked version or the acoustic. I think it's Jeff's electric guitar on the album. I love that. I miss that.
  20. This. VC live is my favorite musical experience of all time. Not just the noise, but the way that Jeff and John take the vocals in and out of the noise together just hits me right in the chest every time. The soft start and soft landing, with all the musical wanderings in between, is amazing. The album version just doesn't capture that the same way.
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