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Everything posted by theashtraysays

  1. Since this is the opening leg of the tour for the current album, I really expect either Art of Almost or I Might as an opener for this run. They opened with Wilco (the song) quite a bit on the first several shows right around the last release. I wouldn't expect the mellow openers till later in the tour. Not that I have a clue about such things really. What I do know is that the catalog is getting bigger, and so there are bound to be more songs that we don't get to hear in any given show that we really want to hear. So whenever any of us hear something that is on the bottom of our list, i
  2. I figured you all were heading down for this. ... that, and you put it in your sig, so I guess it was kinda "there". See ya.
  3. I know nothing about Nashville other than my wife and I will be there for both nights to see the Wilcos. So, yes, we'd love to join! Vince
  4. Take away Jeff's distinctive voice, and do you think that's still the case? Which reminds me that I was hoping for another song with John on lead vocals, but we didn't get that.
  5. I'm hearing a lot of Glenn influence in that first minute of Almost. There was a piece called Individual Trains on Mobile that it reminds me of.
  6. I see your point, and it's certainly more interesting to hear views on the new record rather than the warmed-over comments from the last one. It's pretty clear that W(TA) hasn't held up very well for most folks here, including myself. The comparisons are inevitable. If the guys in the band check in here, I must say I'm honored, although somewhat disappointed in my perceptions of the rock star lifestyle. But who knows? Maybe internet message boards are the new marketing focus groups?
  7. I agree with both of these. My first listen to Almost yesterday was a "whoa" moment for me, which I hadn't had since YHF. Too early to really digest it and comment, but that first couple minutes of bliss really hit me.
  8. Weird how the Wilco HQ emails arrive at such a wide ranging time for everyone. Usually A-man gets them first & posts them here, and sometimes mine comes a whole day later. But sometimes not. At any rate, it's great news!! I will certainly find a slice of time to hear it this weekend.
  9. Looks like the "Home for the Holidays" tour segment.
  10. must be the dBpm marketing strategy. they've clearly given up on the whiney US market after spending time on the board.
  11. I'm all for a fun little project like a video contest or a whatever. BUT DAMMIT PEOPLE-WHO-RUN-THE-WEBSITE, YOU NEED TO BE WORKING ON THE NEW ALBUM STREAM !!!!
  12. Yes. Yes you do. Because I have to go, because my wife is a huge fan of the B-movie / world's gonna end / guys in hazmat suit genre, therefore we're gonna go... So you have to go too. It's just that simple.
  13. So now I'm not allowed to talk, singalong, or fart at concerts? Sheesh.
  14. Then again, is the loft REALLY a studio?
  15. I would consider "Uncle Tupelo Will Love You Baby" to be a really creepy song so I'm ok with Wilco staying just with Wilco songs.
  16. I was listening to the Live in NYC disc this weekend, and the long version of Tenth Avenue Freeze Out came on where he introduces the band in that dramatic, over-the-top rock star kind of way. Clarence is "last but not least", and there's that explosion of cheering when he comes in with the sax part. I've seen them do that once (years ago), and it made me really sad to know it won't happen again. Some of those songs will probably never be played live again, or at least not like that. Just kinda hit me. Sometimes these things sink in a little more after a couple months.
  17. I never get tired of this bit.
  18. Nobody gives a shit about your colon. Unless it's leaking.
  19. Great. Now I feel old. Back to the leak.... I really think it will stream soon. They've done that a lot, and I just gotta imagine they will for this. At least before the tour starts on 9/13. Sooner would be fine, of course. I have avoided listening to any actual songs online or live versions. I also want to hear the whole album (pun intended) intact / in sequence. But I would definitely listen to the stream or a copy thereof ahead of the real release. I totally get the "new CD" experience, but I'm pretty anxious to hear this.
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