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Everything posted by GtrPlyr

  1. That Meg Wolitzer book was one of my favorites of last year. I really need to read more of her work. Stone Arabia was a good read, I'll second that recommendation. Now reading:
  2. I've been listening to this one quite a bit over the past month. Definitely on my list of favorites for the year so far.
  3. I finished reading a book about depression and suicide just last week (William Styron's Darkness Visible.) Thankfully he was able to get himself out of that hole by checking into a hospital of all places, on the advice of a friend that had a similar experience. It's too bad Robin didn't find such an alternative in time.
  4. She does a rig rundown in this video. Looks like she's changed her board since then though...
  5. I guess when you run out of your own musical ideas you just crank out cover records.
  6. I have that record, it's a good one. If you like the whole '70s NYC, Lou Reedish guitar pop, you're gonna dig this one.
  7. Harry sings songs, gets philosophical, hangs out with David Lynch and Kris Kristofferson... Interesting glimpse into Harry's life and art.
  8. I'm digging the new one quite a bit too.
  9. Chris Smither - Don't It Drag On Actual Water - Call 4 Fun
  10. It's a very interesting read so far. He gets deep into what it's like to have debilitating depression, and how it took over his life.
  11. I was earlier in the year when I was doing weights a few times a week and cardio every other day. Then I Injured my shoulder, stopped going to the gym and just did cardio, which for me is running outside every other day, which thankfully I really enjoy. The shoulder is better so I really need to add the weights back into my rountine. Kinda stupid to keep paying for a membership if I ain't using it.
  12. Finished reading "Attempting Normal" by Marc Maron the other day. Now reading:
  13. Yeah, it's the latest solo album from Aaron Freeman/Gene Ween. I've only heard it once so it really hasn't completely sunk in, but I thought it was pretty strong first go through. It's a laid-back, mid-tempo, melodic pop record with a '70s influence on it. Will definitely be spinning this again. Here's a good sample of what to expect (I dig the dry, octave pedal infused guitar solo that comes in at the 3:23 mark):
  14. And of course in typical Hollywood fashion, the show was actually shot in Calgary, Alberta.
  15. You did a great job with the arrangements and the layering of instruments. That is awesome that your wife plays bass. I wish my girlfriend could play an instrument, it would help me with my own productions. She's a pretty good singer though, so there's that at least.
  16. I quite dug those songs lam. Nice production and vibe. The middle eastern modal stuff on the last song was cool. What did you play on these?
  17. A few more to add to the list: Sloan The Nils The Freshies 20/20 Segarini The Records Shoes Dwight Twilley Flamin' Groovies Cheap Trick Marshall Crenshaw Any Trouble Nick Lowe The Super Friendz The Db's Tommy Keene The Beat The Toms Emitt Rhodes The Scruffs The Rubinoos The Posies Tom Robinson Band
  18. Saw them live about a month back, they played a new track during the set which whet my appetite for the new record. Definitely one of my most anticipated records this year.
  19. The chapters don't follow a chronological order, and he skips over stuff that deserves being expanded upon, but regardless of that this has been a very enjoyable read so far.
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