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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. And you were correct. I had never seen those threads and they provided some good amusement. Got me to watch Almost Famous again tonight, in fact.
  2. Thanks. I was looking on imdb and didn't see this. Doesn't look like there's a lot of good buzz on this, but sometimes there are unexpected pleasures from these little indie flicks. Edit: Oh, and boy are you right about that other guy, Michael Reilly Burke. Something in the eyes.
  3. Aw c'mon, did you not know this already? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1227170/ I have been wondering what is/was up with this movie, by Matthew Bissonette and starring Adam Scott. I actually never thought at all about him looking like Jeff--still not so sure about that--but how bizarre that you would think that and post this if you didn't know about the film! By the way, does anyone know whether it's ever going to get released?
  4. In case anyone is still up, they seem to be be repeating the show on youtube, so if we can just stay awake a little longer we'll get to see Jeff's set after all. Word!
  5. I so hope someone captured Jeff's all-too-short set. I missed it live tonight and would love to have heard him sing You Are Not Alone.
  6. I hadn't realized that, and it made me go back to the press announcement. For anyone who wants to know, here's a link to the announcement with the asterisks next to certain dates. http://www.blackcrowes.com/100419.html Forewarned is forearmed. Thankfully, the show at the Norva on 11/17 that I'm attending seems to be a full show.
  7. I'm picturing a bunch of Wall-E fatties unable to get out of our chairs, immersing ourselves in the recorded experience of the show. Sort of like Bill Maher's vision of couch potatoes in their snuggies attached to a waste removal apparatus. A brave new world indeed! Hopefully there's some middle ground. . ..
  8. And it still works for me. And I think it should work for others. But it doesn't seem to. And this is a new millennium, with new technology, and people are going to use it, like it or not. We're not disagreeing on what should be, you know? But tilting at windmills is not very satisfying.
  9. I think one concentrated area for videotapers would be easy enough for both other concertgoers and the artist's gaze to avoid. And $5 is more than feasible--you wouldn't expect a commercially perfect product--just a pretty good videotape of the show. People are doing that for free now anyway--why shouldn't the band get in on the action and sell it through their website? And re the people ejected from shows--I doubt there are many of them, but I could be wrong. I don't think there is a perfect solution, but shoveling shit against the tide doesn't work either. You couldn't have asked for a mor
  10. There are some interesting comments posted online about this article, with seemingly reasonable ideas that could address the fans' wish to relive the concert experience through videotapes and the wishes of both the artist and the other concertgoers not to be distracted by a sea of cellphones held aloft. Two of the main points were Have a designated filming section--anybody wanting to videotape or take pictures, go there.The band could designate someone to produce a good quality videotape of each show and sell it immediately afterwards for $5--on DVD or available for download. Let's face it-
  11. I love Warren Zevon--one of the most original and gifted singer-songwriters ever. Even if he had never done a thing after his self-titled album, he would have arguably deserved a Hall of Fame spot. But he did so much more great stuff. I got to see him live twice, in small venues, and they were amazing shows. I miss his voice--a lot. Any idea, by the way, why there are so many references to Warren in Californication? His songs or allusions to them are included in almost every episode in the first season. I've never been able to figure out whether there's some connection with the writer or so
  12. So that's Letterman on Tuesday and Colbert on Wednesday. This is great! I'm assuming Letterman might be just a musical spot, but on Colbert I'm sure it'll be an interview as well. Should be must-see TV. Maybe they'll announce a joint appearance at the upcoming Stewart/Colbert rally in DC! Not that far-fetched an idea, actually, given her civil rights background and the fact that it's on the Mall. The buzz on this event seems to keep growing, and I'm sure there's going to be some entertainment announced. They could do worse than a rousing gospel number by Miss Mavis.
  13. Yes, I think Google translator is my new favorite toy! And then they sometimes get it spot on:
  14. Check out this from an interview with Nels in the Prague Post. Sure hope he wasn't misquoted!!
  15. In searching for the article above, I came upon this review from Der Tagesspiegel: http://www.tagesspie...n/1944396.html. Unfortunately, I don't speak a word of German, so I ran the article through Google translator and got a pretty hilarious translation. Some of it's incomprehensible, but you get a general sense that they liked the second half of the show better than the first. No mention of the cellphone incident, unless the translator tool missed that completely:
  16. It was actually in the Wall Street Journal--here's a link to the article: http://online.wsj.co...Tabs%3Darticle. I'm not sure how long the WSJ keeps free content up on its site, so I saved a copy in Word. If anyone wants it, PM me and I'll send it. The specific Jeff contributions are the following:
  17. This may have been posted before, but if so I missed it. It's an acoustic video of "Wrote a Song for Everyone" with Mavis and Jeff--the whole song, not just a snippet. They are so damned adorable together! http://link.brightco...id=593531762001
  18. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Whether it's following a long illness or a sudden tragedy, there's nothing like the loss of a parent. When my mom died I remember that the song "After You're Gone" by Iris Dement (off her Infamous Angel album) was very meaningful to me. It's simple but profound, and it still brings me to tears whenever I hear it. I hope it brings you even a small measure of solace.
  19. Jon said he didn't know either--that it just spontaneously showed up. He said he thinks this sign appears when signs breed.
  20. I love this thread! I work part-time in an awesome indie video store, and we've got lots of these in stock. Others, I want to see about getting, so thanks for the to-do list. I have many favorites among the ones that have already been listed (esp. Festival Express, New York Doll, Don't Look Back, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Gimme Shelter, Stop Making Sense, Kill Your Idols, Rock 'n' Roll High School, Last Waltz) but one that hasn't been mentioned is Anvil! The Story of Anvil. Oh my god, it is great. Hysterically funny and unbelievably poignant at the same time. Also, not sure it exactly fi
  21. OK, guys, we need a strong turnout at this rally. If you haven't seen it yet, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert just announced their none-too-subtle response to the Glenn Beck gathering of idiots. Here's a couple of links to the announcements: http://www.thedailys...-restore-sanity http://www.colbertna...keep-fear-alive After my fiasco with arranging a gathering in tiny North Adams, I'm not even gonna try this, but let's see how many people are interested in going anyway. And, of course, which side you align with!!
  22. Oh wonderful. So glad to hear the report. It's wonderful how resilient young kids are! And very happy to hear it was a success.
  23. Thanks, Aman and Lammy. I'm on the case now!
  24. I know, and I have, but for instance, if I were unfamilar with Wilco and wanted to get a quick primer on their most essential stuff, I might not want to start with either A.M. or SBS; hopefully, someone would steer me to YHF, AGIB or BT. So I was hoping that if someone here is a big fan, you could let me know where I would get the most bang for my buck, so to speak, with Black Crowes. No problem if that's not really doable with this band, by the way. Thanks!
  25. I'm going to see them on 11/17 at the Norva in Norfolk, VA, based almost exclusively on reading comments on this board. Tickets were just $35 and it's a great small venue right around the corner from my home, so it seemed like a no-brainer. That being said, I hardly know anything at all about the Black Crowes, other than the fact that Chris Robinson used to be married to Kate Hudson. (I know, dumbass thing to say, but I hope I'm among friends and in a safe environment --translated: don't tell me how stupid I am, please!) Anyway, between now and then I'd like to get more familiar with their
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