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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I just finished watching an American Masters show on Mel Brooks. Right now I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend an evening with than Mel.
  2. Right, and there was also an interview with Jeff in Uncut magazine where he specifically said they were targeting late 2013 for a new album. I think you're right that the Americanarama tour was too good an opportunity to pass up. I would think that working with the diverse artists at Solid Sound and then touring with Dylan and MMJ might provide fodder for creative exploration. Jeff said in some recent interview that he considers it his job to stay inspired. And who knows where they'll find inspiration? I would certainly find it inspiring to play and collaborate with all these different music
  3. Well, based on this interview, I would say Wilco's next album is going to be a bit delayed from their earlier projections of late 2013. I guess they didn't see the Americanarama festival coming. It's just a little bit disappointing to think we won't get a new album this year, but I'd rather they spend the time getting it right than rush to put it out this year no matter what.
  4. Well, let's hope the faithful, dedicated and generous tapers are out in force!
  5. There's a very good interview with Billy on the WTF podcast. He is quite the talker! He talked a little about the Mermaid Avenue collaboration and had nothing negative to say about it. I recommend it as a good listen.
  6. That is starting to look like a reckless bet. I take it all back!
  7. Well, since I will be arriving late Thursday night, I think a little trip to the local art supply emporium is in order on Friday morning. Then craft projects and beer will be the order of the day. Reprazentin' for Lotti!
  8. I've been hoping for a late announcement about Mavis Staples as a surprise guest, especially because she's playing in New York on June 15. But now I see that she's playing in Toronto on June 22 and Ottawa on June 23. I suppose it's still possible that she could make a special appearance on Friday night. Sure seems like a no-brainer, considering that Jeff and Spencer will be right there and her new album with them will be dropping on June 25. And in addition to all the other connections, she even covers a Low song on the new album. C'mon, Mavis, bring us a little of your special magic on Friday
  9. This is excellent news, Lotti, and I for one feel much reassured. Did he say whether they're bringing their own sequined boots and capes, or do we need to bring supplies? Surely they won't balk, having proudly worn the Nudie suits in the past!
  10. My friends and I have already gotten our passes months ago, but now another friend has decided to come along. She can purchase her pass at the going rate of $149, but I thought I'd check to see if anyone here has one extra they got at a reduced rate that they'd like to sell. I know there are some folks selling pairs and they don't want to break those up, but if anyone has a spare single I would pay you right away via Paypal or whatever you prefer. Let me know via PM or email at dkyrus@gmail.com. Thanks! Edit: Ticket procured. Thanks, Russ.
  11. I'm sure it was the temperature issue. There would certainly be some bars that melted, and people would start bitching about inadequate packaging. Of course, there are ways to ship chocolate in the heat, but they're expensive and then people would be bitching about high shipping charges. I think this was a smart move--sometimes you just can't win!
  12. I didn't get any sense that he has disavowed it completely or forever. Just that he's liking the version they're doing now. He didn't really elaborate.
  13. Virginia Beach alert: Apparently during the pre-sale and even up through yesterday, there was a glitch in the Live Nation/Ticketmaster website so that pit tickets were not showing up as available at all. Also, I had earlier been informed that IF pit tickets were available they would be reserved seating. Well, I have now been in touch with the box office manager who was able to exchange my former seats for pit tickets AND she told me that the entire pit is GA. She indicated that they've now corrected the website to include pit availability. So this is just a heads up to anyone going to VA
  14. Hi. My friends and I are going and we already have our tickets, but one additional person has decided to go. So I just need one ticket, but if you can sell just the one I'll be glad to pay you $125, including shipping by FedEx or Priority Mail. Just let me know and I can send you the money via Paypal. Thanks!
  15. Love it! Glenn's movements are so fluid (pun intended) and graceful.He's as much fun to watch as to listen to.
  16. My first choice was a request that he play something--even a fragment--from what they're working on now, but as Wendy mentioned, he wasn't giving up anything on that front. I was more than satisfied with Radio King, though, because it's one of my longstanding favorites. My third choice was Whole Love, which would have been fun with the falsetto. I forget who requested God, the John Lennon song, but that one took my breath away. As far as I know--and I could be wrong--he's only played it once before, on the 40th anniversary of John Lennon's death, at The Paramount in Charlottesville, VA. I wa
  17. Hmm, this is definitely on my radar screen.
  18. It was a peak experience for me--just kind of mind-blowing to get to spend an evening in the presence of someone I admire so much. It's really hard to remember details because the whole night feels like a big fuzzy dream, but I will say that Jeff NEVER phones it in. Even in a private setting like this, where the vibe is more casual and laid-back, you can feel the commitment he has to making the night special and delivering every song right into your heart. One little tidbit of info, which got me even more excited about the upcoming Americanarama shows, was that there will likely be some col
  19. I want a grilled Cheesus machine--the custom model with Jeff's face. They can still keep the sunburst rays.
  20. Maybe you're right, although I was just trying to reply in a non-snarky way. But a more straightforward response is that I don't enjoy insider-ism and poking fun at newbies. I don't enjoy it when it's directed at me, and I don't take any pleasure in doing it to others. I think of VC as a fun diversion and a generally welcoming community. It doesn't seem like this is everyone's idea of what the place is all about, though. And of course that really is fine. We can all come here for what we want and try to avoid or disengage from what we don't want. Peace! Serenity now!
  21. We all come here for different reasons. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. Carry on.
  22. We should rename this the VC Hazing thread.
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