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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. see this thread: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34201
  2. I have a friend who is an MRI and X-ray tech. This is my actual heart beating.
  3. Yes. Funny thing is, they have other Polaroids (made by Polaroid) around the same time in the same album... and the Kodak instants stand out immediately b/c the color is just so vibrant. Kodak really had a superior product as far as color-fastness is concerned.
  4. This is what amazed me: they are stored in those unarchival "magnetic" album pages.
  5. I didn't know that about trimming a polaroid. Kodak originally manufactured the film for Polaroid from 1963
  6. I remember that thread! I loved last night's episode. It was the first really solid one in a few weeks. While Dwight's bedside manner may leave something to be desired, he genuinely seemed to be concerned w/ Phyllis' ailing back. I thought it was pretty cool how he wanted to dance with her when they both went to the Disco Cafe. Angela walking under the limbo stick was pretty funny, too. Very subtle.
  7. 4 pages on the President and his meat. Wilco (the album) can't get here soon enough!
  8. You meant irrelevant, right?
  9. I snoozed when the BT first showed up... I do recall seeing it but hoping there are still some seeds out there. I need to grab it while I can.
  10. That's a helluva first post. I think you'll fit right in on VC.
  11. I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that it's the Colonel's secret blend of 11 herbs and spices. That whole issue of Wired Mag. was pretty kick-ass, btw.
  12. WXRT is a treasure, Louie, and other Chicago-centric folk. I'm excited about hearing this vintage REM show. How I wish there was a station half as good as WXRT in this part of NC.
  13. The R.E.M. reissue campaign continues with a 25th anniversary deluxe edition of their second album, 1984's Reckoning, due out June 23 on I.R.S./A&M/UMe. Like last year's deluxe treatment of R.E.M.'s debut, Murmur, the deluxe Reckoning is a two-disc set. The second disc contains a live show taped at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago on July 7, 1984 and aired on Chicago radio station WXRT. The Aragon show features eight Reckoning songs, old songs "Gardening at Night" from Chronic Town and "Radio Free Europe," "9-9" and "Sitting Still" from Murmur, and new songs "Driver 8" and "Hyena", which wou
  14. Oh totally. I was under that impression, too. It just turned into a wallow-fest there at the end. I felt so bad for him!
  15. A-man, are you a member of a DMI branch, by chance?
  16. Good point. Stay thirsty my friends.
  17. That guy is one suave dude. I bet he could rank them correctly on the first try.
  18. Silly question, but how do you tell them apart? I've kept mine sealed, but is it something on the outer packaging that makes this distinction?
  19. Maybe deleted scenes (haven't checked NBC's site yet) would explain why Kevin was wallowing in that chili. While laughing, I still couldn't help but feel bad for him, esp. when he said "it's pretty much the one thing I do well."
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