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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Dear Los Lobos, Please fire your sound guy. Last night your show sounded like I was listening to you through my apartment wall. It was muffled and quiet. Your opener, Los Lonely Boys, sounded great: crisp and loud, so I know it wasn't the venue. Too bad, so sad.
  2. Do you know why there are no jokes about Jonestown? The punchlines are too long.
  3. Definitely yes to Nicki Minaj. The way she slips in and out of voices/characters is amazing. I highly recommend Wu Tang related stuff: Wu Tang Clan: Enter the Wu Tang (36 chambers) ODB: Return to the 36 chambers Method Man + Redman: Blackout!
  4. Los Lobos! Tonight! Very excited! They're in my top 5.
  5. Bah. Too cheap. Plus, I've moved enough times to really resent the amount of books I own. I'm all about the library from here on out!
  6. Two middle eastern men emigrate with their families to the U.S. After arriving, one makes a bet with the other: "I bet I will be more American than you in one year!" The other replies "No way! You're on. We will see." They agree to meet in one year to find out who can better assimilate into U.S. culture. A year passes. They meet. The first guy says "Well? This morning my son's team won their little league baseball game, my wife made an apple pie, and I have a 12-pack of Budweiser in my fridge! And you?" The other guy replies "Fuck you, towelhead!"
  7. I just finished the first one. Now I'm debating whether or not to wait for the 2nd one on a lengthy library hold list, or just buy the damned thing...
  8. Stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge, stick it in the fridge
  9. Incredible ride by Andy Schleck today. 3 stages to go, and only 15 seconds separate #1 and #2!
  10. Turned out: yes, no, yes, yes, no. Tuneyards was great. I couldn't hear Thurston Moore's set very well. Neko was good, not great. I was bored with Animal Collective.
  11. I'm going - Friday night only. Looking forward to Tuneyards, Thurston Moore, Neko Case, Guided by Voices, and Animal Collective.
  12. no, I really do mean the fab faux. They're coming to town in November, playing Revolver and Sgt. Pepper straight through. Just want to know if anyone's seen them play and if they're really all that.
  13. Has anyone gone to see a Fab Faux show?
  14. I just joined Ally. They reimburse all ATM fees, and checking accounts earn 1% interest.
  15. 1) I think my roommate had a copy of AM soon after it came out. I just remember it being part of the soundtrack of the summer of 1995. I bought my own copy after we moved out. 2) 1998 - The Guinness Fleadh concert in Arlington Park, IL. Great day of live music that included: Wilco, Los Lobos, Squeeze, X, Shane Macgowan, and Richard Thompson.
  16. Just curious as to what kind of daily mileage you were logging. Multiple drivers? Or just one? We did two 600 mile trips last week (Chicago to Ely, MN and back) - the drive there wasn't bad. Almost exactly 9 hours. The drive back hurt - the last 30 miles took 2 hours because we hit rush hour traffic. Not sure how many miles I would be willing to log if knew I would be at it for several consecutive days. I drove the entire time.
  17. I nominate TuneYards: Whokill for Top album. I've also enjoyed The Feelies: Here Before.
  18. Great series. Great playoff year all around. The one thing I love about the Cup ceremony is that each and every year the crowd drowns out Bettman with boos.
  19. Such a bizarre series. I love Game 7s. go hockey!
  20. The line on tonight's game: Vancouver heavy favorites. VAN: -175, BOS: +155 Vancouver is favored by 1.5 goals
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