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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. During our most recent long car ride, which was about 6 or 7 hours (including pit stops), I had all the Beatles albums + singles queued up in chronological order. I think we got to the middle of Lucy in the Sky by the time we pulled into our driveway. That was fun, but my two boys (2 and 4) were yelling NO BEATLES after 3 hours.
  2. I never minded Mr. Moonlight. Quite the opposite. I think the 3 part harmonies are lovely, and the opening Lennon salvo is a wonder. I definitely disagree with Mr. Choo Choo that it's one of the weakest songs in the repertoire. (I think my vote today would go to Blue Jay Way as my least favorite) As for early albums, my favorite has always been Hard Days Night - their first consisting entirely of original compositions.
  3. I should write the FCC... Was watching the Tigers v Sox on Saturday afternoon. First Sox batter slid into first to beat a close throw and Hawk Harrelson yelled GOD DAMMIT. He's losing it.
  4. I noted that, but I retract my statement! I forget which episode it was (2?), but I think they were playing PITB over the end credits, but then it faded out before it was through, and then the rest of the credits (4 min or so?) were set to dead silence. Dumb. The Brigid Meier story is a heartbreaker, but obviously Jerry was preoccupied the 1st go-round with the banjo, and with illicit substances the 2nd time. She seems like a warm and lovely person. The last chapter of the doc is so sad. Jerry aged so quickly. Hard to believe he had just turned 53 when he died. I didn't have a problem w
  5. That goddamned show is shitting in my mouth and calling it a sundae.
  6. The nice thing about Amazon splitting the thing up into 6 parts is that you get some nice music over the end credits each time.
  7. Huh, no Power and the Passion? 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 was one of my favorite albums back in the day. I think I would have been in 7th grade.
  8. Amazon Prime has the doc up now. Watched the 1st episode (they divided it into 6 episodes) So well made. I'm loving it.
  9. OK! So now we're taking Nicaragua's and Syria's lead! #MAGA There was an editorial on cnn.com last week by Grandpa Munster, I mean Ted Cruz, in which he was advocating for Trump to pull out of the Paris accord. I don't remember much about it other than he used the phrase "clean coal." We're fucked. Jodido pero contento, as it were.
  10. ^The Band's Canadian*. *Levon Helm being the sole exception. I would include a vote for Los Lobos on my ballot, if I were given one.
  11. yeah, whomever made that did a great job. It couldn't have been easy, but his editing and sounds are cut perfectly to the video.
  12. I enjoyed them back in the day. The main dude has a wonderful voice that reminded me of Stevie Wonder's.
  13. The audacity of Mick showing a rough draft of Brown Sugar to Ike and Tina... This is an outtake from the Gimme Shelter doc. Not sure why it was cut. It's great stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBMUaAs751c Mick actually plays a nice open tuning blues guitar...
  14. Now THIS is a tribute: Lovely. Special artists can take someone else's song and make it sound like their own.
  15. They could (should!) have done a Cher song, like Gypsies Tramps and Thieves. Shees.
  16. https://twitter.com/JTiloveTX/status/867382179109720064/photo/1
  17. Would love to see Roger Waters in concert. Would also love to be part of the landed gentry so that I could afford tickets. $150 looks to be the lowest price. Nope.
  18. Dammit. Summit was already hard to find in Illinois. Now I'm guaranteed not to find it at all... http://www.startribune.com/summit-brewing-stops-distribution-in-six-states/423902093/
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