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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. wow. That's one hell of a turban on his head.
  2. Don't leave me hanging! What happened??
  3. Just discovered Suburban Lawns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RBRJVUsI48 The lead singer, Su Tissue, has a memorable cameo in the movie Something Wild.
  4. Despite all his rage, he's still just actually a really nice guy, or so I've heard.
  5. Bob Dylan. I've seen him maybe 4-5 times. Never once did he do anything that resembled singing. He just kind of mumbled everything in a gravelly monotone voice while his band was engaged in some form of 12 bar blues.
  6. Good to know. Haven't been hearing much on T2. Might catch it this week while on a business trip.
  7. ^ Was season 2 good? I love Odenkirk, but season 1 was kinda slow...
  8. Ha - that was going to be my follow up. The Grungies is such a perfect homage to the Monkees, but also a wry commentary at all the fawning the music industry was doing over the Seattle scene at the time. I still laugh at the concept of having a Grunge Off.
  9. Is apostrophe abuse an example of poor grammar or poor punctuation? Does grammar cover punctuation?
  10. ^^ Amazing. Does that make you a Ski-dian? My hobbies are mostly from pre-kids days. I used to disc golf every Saturday. Used to fiddle around on the fiddle. Nowadays I fart around in the yard yanking weeds, smoking pork shoulders and ribs when the weather's nice, and staying up late on weekends playing on my PS4. I practice piano when I can. I'm missing an F# though. Need to get that fixed. Once the kids are a little bit older, and I can practice regularly (right now, the night time routine when I get home is: eat dinner, clean-up, bath time for boys, put the boys to bed, then spend the res
  11. He might have been my pick even if the only thing he did was sing... but then you throw in his prodigious musical talent (guitar, fiddle. accordion) and then throw in his songwriting... Here he is over 30 years ago.
  12. Wow. The GOP has had 7 years to rewrite Obamacare, or come up with its replacement, or whatever, and now they have nothing to show for it. They never had a plan.
  13. Dumbass. "Yeah, I knew Trump fucks people over. I just didn't think he'd fuck us over."
  14. I forgot to add: My sons are the only people I've ever known that respond positively to ultimatums. They have NEVER worked otherwise.
  15. My 2 and 4 year olds respond well to ultimatums. "If you guys are going to continue to monkey around, then NO BOOKS before night night!" Even though it's a complete bluff. They haven't realized that they get booktime with papa every night guaranteed. But they sure snap to it when I give them that ultimatum.
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