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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Looking forward to episodes of Planet Earth 2 - I think on BBCA next weekend?
  2. Your summary is great. I didn't intend to be so flippant.
  3. Ha - I have a lousy memory, so everything is new for me every day!
  4. Finished Trouble Boys Finished this one last night. It's a must read for any Replacements fan. Not a very likeable group of guys, and you don't really get to know any of them really well, but it seems that no one really does - they kept people at a distance and it doesn't seem like any of them were sober for very long anyways, so what's there to know about them? They were drunk assholes most of the time. Started this one last night. Looking forward to it.
  5. I'm trying to remember what we didn't like about it - something about how in season one, every episode had a brand new suspect, and then it was like NOPE. I think my wife guessed at the real guilty party after the Neko Case song made an appearance, thinking it was a clue...
  6. http://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2017/02/06/patriots-super-bowl-loss-boston-globe-front-page
  7. Wow, how did you make it through the first season, and then actually want to push it beyond that??
  8. We sat down to watch at around 7:30 - just in time to see the end of the half time show. I had no idea when the game started.
  9. So, boycott Budweiser because their Superbowl Ad pointed out that their founders were immigrants? OK? Personally, I've had a lifetime boycott of Budweiser because IT'S A SHITTY BEER.
  10. Nope. We just respect the Establishment Clause. We also respect that it's a (very difficult) decision to be made between a woman and her doctor. We also don't want to force women into a situation where they might get an unsafe illegal abortion. Except when a church bulletin tells you that voting Democrat is a mortal sin.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXJ8-RT4kOU
  12. I should do that. The Lincoln NE show has been one of my favorites. I could listen to the Big Railroad Blues from that show on endless loop.
  13. In 1997, after facing years of criticism for her and her family’s campaign contributions, DeVos defended herself in Roll Call. “I have decided to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence,” she wrote. “Now I simply concede the point. They are right. We do expect something in return. We expect to foster a conservative governing philosophy consisting of limited government and respect for traditional American virtues. We expect a return on our investment.”
  14. I used to be all that AND still voted for abortion rights, as did all my family, as did all of my Catholic school friends.
  15. Like the Johnson amendment is actually enforced. Didn't a San Diego Catholic church publish something along the lines that a vote for Hillary is a mortal sin? I wonder what repercussions they faced... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/11/04/mortal-sin-to-vote-democratic-says-san-diego-catholic-church-linking-hillary-clinton-to-satan/?utm_term=.b64e61ce5bb0
  16. The journalist misquoted her. She obviously said "Massacree" Massacree The term "massacree," used by Guthrie in the title to describe the whole scenario, is a colloquialism originating in the Ozark Mountains that describes "an event so wildly and improbably and baroquely messed up that the results are almost impossible to believe." It is a corruption of the word massacre (itself of French origin, possibly from the now nearly extinct Missouri French dialect) but carries a much lighter and more sarcastic connotation, never being used to describe anything involving actual death.
  17. God told me it was OK not to believe in him, then he vanished. *poof!*
  18. meh. helps that I'm an atheist.
  19. My family is Catholic but acknowledges that they can't force their beliefs on others. I don't "believe in Abortions" either. My wife and I are both against it, and would never get one. That's how we approach it. If you're against abortions, then don't get one. If you're against homosexual marriages, then don't marry a member of the same sex. Make your own decision, but don't force your ethics on others.
  20. Today I learned that there's a whole thing to counting off the beat during the intro to Beat It On Down The Line. I did not know that.
  21. He spent part of his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast trashing Arnold's ratings on The Apprentice. Seriously.
  22. This little scene from Hard Day's Night is great. Knowing that Ringo was very very hungover for this shoot adds to viewing pleasure. I wonder who was playing the This Boy instrumental?
  23. This is amazing on two fronts. This wasn't a law until the Obama administration made it one? And, this should be proof enough that Congress doesn't have our best interests at heart. Industry and Commerce are priorities. Clearly.
  24. KISS Love Gun God of Thunder Deuce Beth Detroit Rock City
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