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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. five knuckle shuffle. oh wait, that's a throbbing gristle song about jerking off. nevermind.
  2. name some of the 1% bands....can anyone name a band that put out at least 10 LPs and the last 3 were just as solid as the stuff that came before?
  3. i have no clue, but congrats on drawing the attention of a fellow artist.
  4. and that's true for indoor shows as well. i think every place has a hard stop at some point.
  5. setlist.fm doesn't have all the shows but it's got a lot http://www.setlist.fm/stats/wilco-23d6982b.html
  6. pete's really been all over the place wrt to guitars though, right? rickenbackers, fender strats, SGs, les pauls....seems like he's played a lot of different guitars and hasn't ever settled down to just one style.
  7. this is a good cd too: http://www.discogs.com/Various-The-Lounge-Ax-Defense-Relocation-Compact-Disc/release/793665
  8. i saw the Who's performance via youtube last night, before the powers that be yanked it...excellent stuff!
  9. there seems to be a lot of advertising for this show...i wonder if the Gilette show is drawing too many people, or if that's hurting too. i would be interested to hear how full (or empty) the park is.
  10. still waiting for the Partridge/Robyn Hitchcock collaboration to see the light of day...if it'll ever happen.
  11. i am gonna blow off Sebadoh tonight.
  12. sorry, didn't think to consider them. i'd put that between Skylarking and Drums/Wires
  13. English Settlement Black Sea Skylarking Drums and Wires Oranges and Lemons Mummer the rest
  14. definitely. that was a good read.
  15. just on that song? or noise in general?
  16. that is classic Neil. looking forward to the November show.
  17. Most of wilco's set is kinder and gentler....I like the chaos and dissonance.
  18. i forgot about Blues Control last night...
  19. win butler? this thread is still the dumbest thread ever on VC.
  20. Van Halen for sure. i wouldn't put the Doors anywhere near that high. also, "Scarlet Bagonias"
  21. man, modest mouse can't even come close to Wilco....laughable assumption/projection there.
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