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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. The Snowtown Murders (based on a true story) is the absolute grimmest, bleakest movie i've ever seen. i am actually surprised i finished it.
  2. man it's been forever since i've seen Casino or Goodfellas. hell, i've only seen Taxi Driver once, and still never saw Raging Bull (Jake, rest in peace).
  3. yeah it's highly worth it to keep at Better Call Saul. Handmaid's Tale was fantastic, as was Big Little Lies. both got their deserved Emmys. i just started Veep last night. funny stuff.
  4. let's hope the same holds true for that scumbag James Woods.
  5. eh, not a los lobos fan so i think i'm not missing much.
  6. my god, who green-stamped that Lobos (los?) cover?
  7. you still might like it... it's got nothing to do w/ Sabbath really (aside from the fact that the protagonist really likes that record), just the story of a messed up teenager. it's pretty gripping, actually.
  8. ha, i liked the Dion book. it was an interesting treatise about critiques. the best one by far is the John Darnielle book about Master Of Reality, but i know some people really hate it because it's a fictional tale of teenager and there's very little about Sabbath in it. still, i thought it was a truly great piece of writing. i've had the Exile On Mainstreet one for a while now and i know that Janovitz is a good writer and knows his Stones too, so that should be a good read. B000 was pretty good. i thought Sweetheart of the Rodeo was sorta dull. i think i read the Joe Pernice one abou
  9. supposedly i'll see Thee Oh Sees tonight, but still waiting for word...
  10. caught Dead Cross last night... there were also shows from Roky Erickson and INVSN (Dennis from Refused's new band). too many options!
  11. Hey guys, Versus played that show too.
  12. hmm... i might have to arrange a business trip that strangely coincides with this date...
  13. He doesn't want to fall prey to James Murphy's fate. https://youtu.be/6xG4oFny2Pk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Dublin never has any good shows when I've been over here. I missed Emerald Haze festival by two days. Still need to see Lord Vicar at some point.
  15. i have always liked this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7wZKj7ps2A
  16. definitely a top 10 record of 2017 https://dungen.bandcamp.com/album/h-xan-versions-by-prins-thomas
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