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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. mine came in the mail the other day... with you in remote solidarity, which ever day is selected.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq7Adj9zkFc
  3. /endthread actually, this qualifies in spades https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFspexYC9p8
  4. those are my favorite Go-Betweens and Meat Puppets records.
  5. no. i had to choose between Migos and Mac, and i chose Migos. it's ironic that i could have shot both; Migos had their DJ/hype guy go on for almost 20 minutes before they got on stage, so i would have had enough time to make it from the blue to the green stage. i did see Mac do an interview w/ someone, both jammed in a porto-let.
  6. for anyone curious, here's the rundown of the first two days (I am only doing photos, not writing this time, which is perfect because doing double duty and turning around photos and copy the next morning is a lot of work). Kevin Morby's set was fantastic yesterday. you SSF'ers definitely should not miss it. https://digboston.com/day-one-growing-pains-as-boston-calling-matures/ https://digboston.com/day-two-come-for-the-openers-stay-for-the-comedy-at-boston-calling/
  7. dasradiohead, i would have been down for a trade but i'll be elsewhere that weekend.
  8. ah, 3S is cool. a friend of mine used to book it, but he got sacked unfortunately. i dig his taste in music a lot, but i think it was a bit too esoteric for the area... I always wear earplugs at shows. my hearing is screwed up enough as it is.
  9. they are gonna need to be multi-assed players to dig out of the Cavaliers' hole...
  10. Thanks Moss! i'd never heard "Seasons" before yesterday and it's a great song.
  11. name is very very vaguely familiar. where did they play? i saw Metallica last night. that was a solid, big budget rock show.
  12. total guitar monster. def. recommended for people who like hard rock.
  13. shaky at best. he looks like he's lived a rough life. i talked w/ him briefly and he was not really focused.
  14. Thanks Lammy. this is still hard to believe. people, if you know someone who has depression, please reach out and do what you can.
  15. sad day, even if you don't like his music. i definitely liked some of his stuff a lot, including their first single. killer tune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmHozPLY2Ig i put up a few shots of Chris on my facebook page today.. shot them three times, good shows all of them.
  16. we are three episodes into Better Call Saul and it continues to be a great watch.
  17. underrated band! was lucky to see them on this tour; i think the only US tour they did. i love their cover of "Baby's On Fire" but this probably my favorite song of theirs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qhUHm2_hsE
  18. yeah the boston show was amazing. best i've seen Watt. that Last cover was amazing
  19. oh nice, i didn't realize you'd see the soundcheck too. that's great. what songs did they play?
  20. The Brian Jonestown Massacre Swallowtail When Jokers Attack A New Low In Getting High Anemone Servo
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