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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. I am in the process of backing up my photo archive and found this shot from NFF...
  2. new record sucks. new guitarist is a subtraction.
  3. Hopefully you made the VIP session, jff!
  4. Watt is the best. even if you don't dig his music, just being in the same room as him is worth it.
  5. Midnight Oil. jff, have a great time tonight. i love that band. in a somewhat funny coincidence, i saw them play at The Channel a few months after I first moved to Boston, the tour where the 1st set was Brian James on guitar and Captain on bass, then the 2nd set Captain moved over to guitar and Paul Gray took bass duties. unbeknownst to me at the time, my future wife was also at that show.
  6. unfortunately my doctor only does this surgery once a month, on the third wednesday. so i am out. it's not worth it to try to find another doctor/time slot, so 2019 it is.
  7. I always get comped press credentials, sorry. still holding out a smidgen of hope that i can make it there. at least just shoot the main stage where i wouldn't need to crouch.
  8. because your post isn't relevant to my situation, that's your conclusion. go ahead and rail about things you don't know.
  9. honest question: do you think the Senate will put the bill as currently drafted, to a vote? and if you don't, what's point of blasting your senator now, when the bill will change and you don't know what the changes will be?
  10. there's really nothing to talk about until the Senate version (and CBO's analysis) is revealed.
  11. i will continue to vote. still a drag that if it wins, I'll miss an opportunity for "Say You'll Miss Me." also, this means that Newport is likely out, so i'll go from seeing Wilco three times this year to zero. oh well.
  12. well, my streak of attending every Solid Sound will come to a close... bummer, as it's always a ton of fun and i'll miss seeing familiar faces. #onwardsto2019
  13. i did the soundboard/release combo at Newport last year... using a $4K lens to compensate for the distance to the stage, i get stunning photos like this i'll stay home and watch the Celts instead. plus i still have to go through the Mastodon shots, and i am shooting Midnight Oil on Thurs and Meat Puppets/Mike Watt on Friday.
  14. there was a chance i'd be there as his publicist asked me if i wanted to cover the show, until i asked if there was a photo release and if it was a soundboard shoot and both answers were yes.
  15. these guys were great last night. bummer i got there 10 min late.
  16. saw Kikagaku Moyo last night at Great Scott. what a great show. a bunch of long-haired japanese psych rockers in the groove. electric sitar too! waiting to hear if i get approved for the Mastodon/Eagles of Death Metal/Russian Circles show tonight.
  17. jealous. a friend of mine went to teh Chicago show and said it was better than the 2015 show.
  18. maybe they'll end up playing whatever record is chosen Melvins-style. not heavy and slow, but the way the Melvins played their record _Houdini_ as part of ATP's Don't Look Back series. In typical fashion, Buzz screwed around w/ the setlist and didn't play the songs in the album tracking order. "Everyone's already heard that version a million times. i figured we'd do something new."
  19. people don't even remember the Shadoks reissue, but the Guerssen reissue? now you're talking.
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