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Everything posted by brownie

  1. Yes, he is! Tonight was the first time I saw him play with a band in probably 20 years. I had never seen Los Straitjackets before - they are really something else (*laughs*) and did a fantastic job as Nick's band,
  2. Nick Lowe and Los Straitjackets
  3. No, but the things I said about him the other day were based solely on his vote earlier this week. I believe he has redeemed himself in this particular instance.
  4. I take back the nasty things I said about John McCain the other day. He did the right thing after all.
  5. Just found a very recent interview with Pankow where he says Walter Parazaider is still officially a member, but no longer tours with the band. So I guess they're down to 3. That's a very interesting chart.
  6. A friend of mine saw them the other night and told me they are down to only two original members on stage now. Sad to hear, but I guess playing a horn for several hours can become difficult when you're in your 70's.
  7. I have been somewhat speechless for the last hour or so. I truly felt sorry to hear about John McCain's cancer diagnosis and thought it extraordinary of him to make his way to Washington to cast his vote today, I am shocked that he voted Yea. *spits* I am even more shocked that this stupidity is going forward. I was on Obamacare for the better part of a year and found it to be awful and completely worthless...money flushed down the drain. But it needs to be fixed, not repealed and replaced with something worse. Why can't we just take the (outrageous sums of) money we contribute to hea
  8. Can't Hardly Wait sounds terrific!
  9. Yes, I will. . We are going to make a final decision at 3 pm.
  10. Tonight is free as well in Battery Park City! If tonight is a washout, I will think about Saturday.
  11. Los Lobos, if it doesn't rain.
  12. I have definitely heard more unlistenable Neil Young songs than this one, and the politics doesn't surprise me. What exactly do you find so objectionable? (I am a casual Neil Young fan at best.)
  13. Evan Dando at Bowery Ballroom. If I am feeling really ambitious, I am going to try to catch Dead Combo at an early free show in Central Park beforehand.
  14. Today? Have fun! Would love to see pix when you return.
  15. You can lead a horse to water....via Chicago.
  16. Hilarious! Thanks for posting.
  17. Lion was my favorite movie from last year, a year with a lot of good movies. The pickings have been slim so far this year. I enjoyed Kedi very much (a documentary about street cats in Istanbul), I was dispppointed in The Dinner, which despite a very strong cast (Richard Gere, Laura Linney, Steve Coogan) never seemed to go anywhere and had an ending I didn't understand. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was entertaining, but I can't really rave about it.
  18. Terrible news. I was not a huge fan, but liked some of his solo stuff, and 52 is way, way too young. RIP Chris.
  19. Nice! I almost missed this because I don't usually scroll back. Hopefully you did not have the blinding sun issues...judging from your video, you were sitting in a perfect place to be blinded. *laughs* How'd you enjoy the show?
  20. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be getting it soon. He's been posting pix of the work in progress recently, so I'm sure it won't be long now. I didn't have the heart to ask him exactly when, because it was clear even during the show that he feels badly about having taken so long. But that's okay, I don't mind - I'd rather have an album he's happy with than one he just rushed out to meet some self-imposed deadline. I know his mom passed away since that Kickstarter campaign, and that can throw a major monkeywrench into anyone's life.
  21. Matthew was great! I was at the second table from the front, so excellent spot. He played 3 new songs, the best of which seems to be one called Trick, although it's really impossible to judge after only hearing these songs once. He asked if anyone there was a Kickstarter backer of his, so since I am, I went and introduced myself to him after the show to find out more about the cat sculpture I've been waiting three long years for now. *laughs*. What a nice guy. Btw, bring your sunglasses tonight Craig. You will be blinded in that place until the sun goes down. Even many of the staff
  22. Thanks, good to know. I doubt I'll get the front table because I don't want to spend a ton of time there before the show, what with their overpriced wine and food. We'll see.
  23. *laughs* I was wondering if I might see you at this, but of course you're going tomorrow. I've never been to City Vineyard, have you?
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