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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. The Nats were awfully fun to watch. I'd be surprised if he makes 40 million a year, though I think if someone like him would go for a 2-3 year deal instead of 7 years, 40 million might be attainable. Three years, 120 million would make much more sense to me if I were a GM than the 217 million, 7 year albatross that David Price received.
  2. I saw Robyn Hitchcock solo acoustic last year, and he was fantastic. Hilarious banter, and incredibly talented on the guitar. This will be a treat for those going. I am surprised that he has yet to play at Solid Sound. Maybe in '21. And I'll be surprised if SVE is not in the next SS lineup.
  3. Thanks for sharing this. I have had a hard time describing the record to others. Now I'll just use that second paragraph.
  4. Same - Citizens is not doing much for me. I like or love the other 10 songs. The more I listen, the more I like it. It helps to have seen/heard them live, as they have a bit more power in concert. I can see four-five songs continuing in the general rotation of songs after this tour (Before Us, Everyone Hides, White Wooden Cross, We Were Lucky, Hold Me Anyway). I don't think Schmilco will have that long term - maybe three off that one (Locator, If I Ever Was a Child, Someone to Lose) will get some play as time goes on.
  5. ^^^Me too. It is one of the things I love about the band. Though we have never met, I do remember you writing about your wife's recent passing. I'm so, so pleased (and I know that may sound weird, given all that you have been through) that you got to hear On and On and On last night. Peace to you.
  6. I appreciate the writer's ability to reflect on his writing from 12 years ago. I imagine that writing it was somewhat cathartic for him. And I'll go with Dad-rock as good mental health.
  7. I'm with knotgreen: this section - How to Fight Loneliness, Bull Black Nova, Random Name Generator, and Reservations - was really memorable. When they finished Reservations, I thought, "What a great run of songs there". I am not a huge fan of hearing How to Fight Loneliness at their shows, but last night's was definitely the best version I have heard. I thought the new songs fit really well with the older material. I like OTJ; I love it live. The new songs come off as much more muscular than the vinyl versions, generally due to Glenn's playing, and they played other songs that matched this f
  8. I had a strong feeling that We Were Lucky would make an appearance stateside.
  9. ^^^That was a great movie! I am currently reading Waking Up White by Debby Irving. Very few books have changed the way I see the world. This one is doing it.
  10. The best part of this European run for us here in the states? Paul's reports. If I wasn't already looking forward to Boston on October 10th, these recaps did the trick.
  11. That was a fun read. Lots of new information in these interviews for Ode to Joy. Because Star Wars was a rocking album, I wonder if it was an easier record to play straight through in concert, and then to keep those songs in the setlist longer.
  12. Yes - in Portland on Saturday night. We got All Tomorrow's Parties as well, and 2 hours and 45 minutes all told. Ears are still ringing Monday morning.
  13. The Feelies (last night). They rocked way harder than I expected, and harder than what I remember of their set at Solid Sound.
  14. The juiced ball is a joke. It has definitely impacted the game in a negative way. If I were a pitcher, I'd be pissed. And talking about it often to the media and to my player rep.
  15. This is not new news, as I remember reading about it sometime after Summerteeth came out.
  16. Interesting hypothetical band name, particularly without a comma between the first two words.
  17. Eight Ode to Joy songs - that is fantastic! There are not a ton of bands out there who, after 25 years, play eight new songs in a show, not to mention closing the main set with one and putting another in the encore. As Dan Rather used to say, courage.
  18. Bad Google translation? Reads like Lotti to me! Gems galore in this translation. Too many to single out a few, but I loved these: "Bassist and other original member John Stirratt stands for the warm harmonies, Pat Sansome on tangents and strings is the formidable all-man, tangent Mikael Jorgensen takes the role of backman, while guitarist Nels Cline and drummer Glenn Kotche are in every way crucial to Wilco's extraordinary ." "'Impossible Germany' with three guitars holds one of the finest guitar solos of our time and high-class chamber music, topped by Nels Cline's string work. His glos
  19. The Real Estate show was really good as well. My only complaint is that they can play longer - a 70 minute set and 10 minute encore, covering 16 songs in total, is about 4 songs and 20 minutes shy of what I'd love to see from them. A number of great songs went unplayed. That said, it was 80 minutes of bliss.
  20. I loved those tidbits. And surprising that we got those as I was not wowed by the interviewer's questioning skills.
  21. Really liking "White Wooden Cross".
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