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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. That's a hard one. Here's hoping you had some time to sit, think, and remember him yesterday.
  2. Live last night - Paul Simon at the TD Garden. First arena show in many years.
  3. Live this past Sunday night: M. Ward. Was originally disappointed that he was opening for The Decembrists. Did not pull the trigger on a ticket because I did not want to spend $ on 45 minutes of M. Ward (not a big Decembrists fan). Sunday morning, an announcement from the venue says that The Decembrists show has been cancelled due to a case of laryngitis. An hour later, an announcement that M. Ward wants to still play, so they announce a $15 show at a smaller nearby venue. A great spur-of-the-moment show!
  4. I was driving and tuned into public radio on Saturday just as Chris started talking about his love of YHF. That was a solid version of IATTBYH that they played!
  5. Sorry to hear that. My hope is that you get to where there are good school administrators, or good school administrators come your way! (says a school administrator, hopefully not a bad one)
  6. Here's hoping you get that run of good news/good luck, and that it starts with your mom coming home and being pain-free soon.
  7. Looks/sounds like a lot of fun. What a ridiculously lovely set list. I love "Who Were You Thinking Of"!
  8. As someone who works in a school, I have been saying this for some time. This is not a school issue; it is a societal issue. School-based actions will not solve it; societal actions will solve it.
  9. That is a cool thing. A reminder of all that is good in the world.
  10. It makes me happy to hear that Jeff and Gary played a couple of old songs together again. Two of my favorite musicians. Radio King is a classic.
  11. Great to hear about your interview. It is such a good feeling to walk out of a positive interview experience. If you want to relocate to suburban Portland, Maine, and teach 8th grade Social Studies/Science, we have an opening. Great district, and you'll have at least one colleague who is a big Wilco fan.
  12. I am heading out next Saturday morning to get me one of those 8500 record albums.
  13. And The Baseball Project's homage to Dock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSJ4Yc7Ensg As the title suggests, the song is about the time Dock beaned (or attempted to bean) the first 5 Reds batters in a game in 1974. Murtaugh took him out after 11 pitches, all of which were at the first 5 Reds' players. One of my favorite BP songs - great, heavy guitar riff.
  14. I was not. I love this record, insert art or not. "If I Only Had A Car" is worth the price alone.
  15. A treat for us during this time off from the full band touring.
  16. I think you are right about the coming labor unrest. I have a really hard time thinking that a guy who is set to make $110 million over 5 years is a good candidate to protest the system (or even a guy who gets a two-year deal for $13 million, like Mitch Moreland). So teams are being more careful with the amount of $ they will spend and the number of years in the contract. Seems like a smart move by them. The players can say that their careers are only so long - that in a few years, they will be out of baseball and thus need to make their money now. The average salary is $4 million. It will
  17. That is awesome! Another generation on the way.
  18. So it was day before yesterday, and not today, but I thought I'd share a brief story here. I went out to eat with my wife and another couple, and walked into a surprise 50th birthday party. I was particularly surprised because my birthday was 5 weeks ago. There were friends there from my high school days, college, work, plus family. My kids were there (two came home from college), and a number of people flew in for it. It was great fun. One person there was a former student, who I taught over 20 years ago. He and his wife and two-month old son drove up from NYC. Before he left the party, h
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