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The Inside of Outside

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Everything posted by The Inside of Outside

  1. John lives in/near Bremen, just over an hour up the coast.
  2. Blistering show. Even with a few flubs here and there, a gem. They brought the rock. Art of Almost and Pickled Ginger were early highlights for me, and ITMWLY and ALTWYS were downright combustible. We did not get a second encore of a couple Being There rockers (Monday and Outtasite) that were on the printed set list - 10 PM curfew cut it short. Solid banter as well. I'll leave that up to others to give details (not my strength). I guess I have to go without a haircut for a while...
  3. Thanks - that is really helpful to my decision-making. I am free that weekend, which means I can tag someone and have a 1 in 10000 chance of going to Idaho to see my favorite band play in a hop field. If I win, I promise to post the setlist here. Shouldn't that be a prerequisite for winning the thing?
  4. Solid show, with 9 songs from Imperial Bedroom. I thought "Pidgin English" (which closed out the first set) and "Everyday I Write the Book" were the highlights. He played about 2 hours; the band was tight, and the mix was fair. A wee bit chilly - 55 degrees with a stiff wind. It was at the same venue that Wilco is playing this coming Sunday, though it was a mix of seats/GA for Elvis and it will be all GA for Wilco. Seated folks (I was not one of them) sat for the first hour; there was some good sit/stand wondering going on, from what I could see. I know that is a beloved/maligned topic on VC
  5. Does anyone know the date in August for this? I cannot seem to locate that. The date matters - I am not going to enter unless I know I can make it, and I have several times in August booked for things like taking two freshmen to college, a few work days that I cannot miss, etc.
  6. I'm with Yaz Rock on all of it. Can't see this ending now, changing venues, etc. Love the three-point line for folks who like to be up front. I like setting up just outside of it. That line also means that there are folks moving in and out of the paint (sticking with the basketball reference) for the 1st band on Saturday; a few in our group did just that for Television, and had a blast getting close for that.
  7. Agree with everything in this, including Lackey driving me nuts. So glad he is driving Cubs fans (and not Red Sox fans) nuts.
  8. That song is painful to listen to. Excruciating.
  9. You are right - it has been dropped. I thought we had a good chance to hear it Saturday, given that two records were off-limits. It sure was a staple for a long time. Maybe Handshake Drugs will become Wilco's St. Stephen over the next 6-7 years. The crowd will erupt when they play it next, in 2023.
  10. I was thrilled, a month or so ago, when Being There was the fans' selection for Friday night. I was not jazzed about hearing YHF, as many fans have heard most (or all) of the songs at previous concerts. Gotta say I was pretty darn happy with the YFH encore. Loved Ashes, Pot Kettle Black, and Poor Places. And Reservations was a great way to close it out.
  11. If you are going straight from Boston to North Adams, you will drive down Route 2, the Mohawk Trail - a lovely road once you get into central Massachusetts.
  12. I will be there (Tom) and I am bringing my friends as well - 14 of them, I think. All but three are Solid Sound first-timers. They (and we) are in for a treat. Also bringing one of my children (all four have been to at least one SS). School ends on Wednesday, so the timing is perfect for my daughter and me. Thankfully, mother nature was kind, giving us only 6 snow days (a seventh would have impacted our Thursday departure from the great state of Maine, an eighth would have been unthinkable - First World problems, I know). I love getting into the region the day before the festival begins. S
  13. If you held a gun to my head, I would not have come up with Semisonic as the band that does Closing Time.
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