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Everything posted by brianjeremy

  1. Yep, it is. Pretty crappy artwork, but the music is alright.
  2. I dunno, it is what it is - a collection of demos and nothing more. I think this does a good job of eliminating the mystique surrounding Music from the Blackhole. Overall, I'm not impressed with it and in fact wish I had just downloaded the sucker.
  3. It's all crap nowadays! Same crappy guitar and dialed-in lyrics. Blah! I am sorry, but Uncle Bob has lost it. As the years go by, I get less and less into his work. I used to be a big Bob fan but now it's getting old. I know I am not the only one who says it, but the man needs an editor. Too much of the same 'ol stuff. The last good album he put out was the Keene Brothers record. I am just really disappointed with his recent output. I just get tired of 10+ albums a year with only an albums worth of good material on it. It's too much! My top 5: Arcade Fire
  4. Fixed it for you. My fiance loves the heck out of Rhett's solo stuff. I don't get it. I can get the 97's but not the solo thing.
  5. Whoa, I just listened to those suckers the other day. Kids is a great album.
  6. I'll write you a letter tomorrow Tonight I can't hold a pen Someone's got a stamp that I can borrow I promise not to blow the address again I always loved that one.
  7. They started to play progressively boring music to pander to close-to-middle age hipsters.
  8. I did this twice. I got both of the Robert Pollard cds, the Nationals' album and The Weakerthans new one.
  9. Black Kids - Wizard of Ahhhs EP. You can get it for free from their official site.
  10. Not a bad list. I've got 56 out of the whole lot. I would have re-arranged things differently though.
  11. Black Kids - Wizard of Ahhhs Band of Horses - Cease to begin Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger Spoon - Ga X 5 Radiohead - In Rainbows
  12. I hope this will turn out good. I am such a geek about the x-files.
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