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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Not sure if it's a one off or the first of a series ... A few references to their overdogs. http://www.theskinny.co.uk/blogs/303368-on_road_hazey_janes_take_europe_with_wilco I don't think this is that representative of their sound, but this develops into a lovely tune, especially when the guy on the left stops waiting for a bus and joins in the harmony
  2. Well, it was so much fun last time, let's play Google Translate spin the bottle again http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.distorsioni.net/canali/live-report/wilco&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwilco%2Bfirenze%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D768%26bih%3D928%26tbs%3Dqdr:d&sa=X&ei=73x4ULPELeKw0AWfuYC4Bg&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQ7gEwBw My iPad won't let me copy and paste in here when the page has been translated. Here is the setlist they give though:- - Set list Wilco 11 Ottobre 2012 Ashes of american flag Art of almost Impossible german
  3. http://www.sherwood.it/articolo/2076/wilco-live-report Via Google Translate;- Think it was having trouble with some double negatives at the beginning there. As a Turkish person I once knew used to say e.g. "It's not lovely" instead of "Lovely isn't it". Anyway "The public likes and how".
  4. Yes, seems to be one of the few worthwhile (i.e. full and frank) music auto-biographies.
  5. http://www.guardian....nshend-who-i-am Good interview with a candid Pete. I can remember watching a BBC fly on the wall documentary series about the Thames Police (one fo the first such series) when suddenly, there was Pete at the station for questioning. Quite shocked. Surprised he allowed to to be broadcast at the time - people thought less about invasions of privacy disclaimers and stuff then I suppose. I had never really taken sides in the was he-wasn't he debate. I am inclined to believe him now. With regards to the current Jimmy Saville (and others at the BBC yet to emerge) scandal
  6. 1) Go for it. 2) Hire a mini for the 'head to the venue' bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIechPy5ycc 3) Do an After The Show report. 4) Err, that's it.
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandpopreviews/9565630/The-Beach-Boys-Mermaid-Theatre-London-review.html They were on Later with Jools Holland last week too.
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/oct/04/neil-young-autobiography-relief-music
  9. "On October 5th 1962, fifty years ago, The Beatles released their first single Love Me Do." Further to my earlier comment, when I started to get into the Beatles, it seemed so long ago since they had split up. Must have been a product of my own youth that less than 10 years seemed such a long time ago. Somehow it still feels like that ...
  10. http://thespace.org/items/e0001554 The Beatles visit a chippie during filming of Magical Mystery Tour Unseen footage that will be part of a BBC documentary on Saturday night (probably captured to YouTube shortly afterwards for you folks) followed by a showing of a (remastered - I think) version of the film - first time on TV since 1979. I can actually remember watching it then - part of a short season when all of their films were shown and my love of the Beatles was in about it's second year adn seeing them was all new to me ...
  11. A Morning of Out Lives (live version) seque into One Sunday Morning (and then vice versa to see which way is best) is in order I think.
  12. Thanks very much for teh tip - I will investigate ...
  13. Wilco go all ELO-ish More here. http://livemusicblog.com/2012/10/01/photos-wilco-hollywood-bowl-los-angeles-ca-93012/
  14. "Those people look like ants down there" This is pretty uneventful other than satisfying my curiosity as to what the Bowl looked like with Wilco there, however the few seconds after about 1:35 or so made me smile and made me think it worth posting ...
  15. To think that I had it new in 85. 122 USD on Amazon now.
  16. And God created JoJo ... Also, this ends a lot of questions from over the years ...
  17. One of the few good things about coming back from 2 weeks holiday - 3 episodes of Dr Who to watch on iPlayer. Excellent stuff so far - each should have been a double episode at least.
  18. He actively avoids Roadrunner,but if the boys could talk him round it would be epic to see JT and John singing 'radio on' backing vocals. It is easy to learn of course. Fingers crossed.
  19. ... And for me. I have long been a devotee of The Church of the Sacred Swaying Hips of JoJo. Must be such a plus to get people like him and Sir Nick when you do your long stretches. Textbook reporting sir. Thanks. P.S. let's hope they can do something together in an encore ...
  20. Bit too much crash bang wallop to be a classic, but great fun all the same and some great lines. Plus, The Doctor deliberately kills someone shocker!
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