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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Our little DVD player died too, actually at the same time that we bought a new tv so I went out and bought a Sony Blu Ray player and it is great. Plays yer normal dvds and the new fangled BR discs too. So now we have this setup which is a millions miles away from the puny setup we used to have. Go for it I say.
  2. I enjoyed the above statement probably more than I would Avatar, which I have no intention of seeing. Blue giant people, Cameron, a land far far away...I couldn't be any more ambivalent about it.
  3. I actually quite like Song For A Son. Nice to see him just quieten down and not strain his already reedy voice by shouting the shit out of it. Nothing majorly amazing about it but it's certainly an ok song.
  4. Neil did a fine version of Long May You Run on O'Brien's final Tonight Show. He looked a little tired and shook up but for a 60something guy...well, he still has it.
  5. Ricky Gervais, my Lord. How have people fallen for this twat? A smug, self serving, unfunny, fat English guy. Unbearable to watch. I recorded the show and FF all the way through his woeful pieces. The Hangover. A lot of people I know told me to see this as it was sooooo funny. What a heap of garbage. A few chucklesome moments but in the main....for people who think dick jokes are the height of comedic endeavour. Balderdash. In The Air, on the other hand, was wonderful. Well written, beautifully acted and funny without trying to hit you over the head with it. I despair when I see how peop
  6. Did you see where some reporter from the NY Times ripped on Hall for wearing a hat at the Globes? How it didn't go with his suit and and was he working on a Bob Marley picture. How stupid do you have to be? My wife doesn't even watch the show and when she saw him she asked me did he have cancer. Anyone with half a brain seeing that would twig there was something up.
  7. You are a sour little man, aren't you? So, where does Conan go from here? Another network?
  8. So, Leno is going back to where he was and O'Brien is getting the boot? I get confused trying to follow this. Not that I would watch either of them except to see what music they have on.
  9. I just finished reading Things The Grandchildren Should Know over the holidays. That's a great book, very readable and honestly written too.
  10. The best thing about getting a new iPod for Crimbo is discovering stuff you hadn't played in years while you are filling the device. Lately I have had Kris Kristofferson, Golden Smog, Sparklehorse, Scud Mountain Boys, Guy Clark and Jeff Finlin spinning a lot. Right now though, it's the recent Califone album. Can't get enough of this.
  11. I do love Bill Bailey but I just cannot get behind watching a reality show with "celebrities". Not for me. QI is more my thing.
  12. Really great album and a bit more depth to it than Hombre Lobo.
  13. I am loving the stuffing out of this new album. They had really passed me by until this one but since I got it, it gets played at least once a day now and has done for over 3 weeks. Brilliant stuff indeed.
  14. I love this latest album. I really quite like his hippy shtick and his whole vibe. I love Vetiver even more but this new DB album is a goody.
  15. He had some thing going on with Timbaland didn't he? Pretty poor stuff I thought. The new one from AIC is great.
  16. No love for Alice In Chains then? I am happy about the Soundgarden reformation. Let's hope Cornell's voice is up to it and he finally decides to do away with that solo "career".
  17. Another vote here for Emperor and Mars.
  18. Loving the new EELS as well, man that was quick. The new Midlake is stunningly beautiful as well and I am also loving the shit out of the Califone album too.
  19. I was so lazy last year that instead of dismantling the tree and putting it back into the box it came in, I just picked it up and deposited it, fully dressed with lights, into the garage. I retrieved it last week and shook it out only to find a whole immigrant community of spiders and assorted creepie crawlies falling out of it. Cue me, like an idiot, running the vacuum over the tree out in the yard.
  20. I'm jealous. I love his new album a whole lot and having seen him on Later on BBC a few months back, I would have really liked to hear those new songs live. He seems a cool dude all right and he is mates with Vetiver so that's another plus.
  21. Sorry to hear about your troubles, especially at this time of year. Good thoughts and vibes from Ireland.
  22. In fairness to the band though, even on their patchy albums, there are always a few gems hidden away in there.
  23. Channel 4 in England showed most of it.
  24. Afghanistan (316) Albania (97) Algeria (76) Andorra (94) Angola (53) Antartica Antigua and Barbuda (108) Armenia (218) Azerbaijan (127) Bahamas (1017) Bahrain (142) Bangladesh (475) Belarus (212) Benin (23) Bhutan (94) Bolivia (227) Botswana (161) Brunei (233) Bulgaria (852) Burkina Faso (47) Burundi (36) Cambodia (348) Cameroon (67) Cape Verde (30) Central African Republic (24) China (10909) Colombia (570) Comoros (29) Congo (Brazzaville) (33) Congo, Democratic Republic of the (75) Costa Rica (1222) Côte d'Ivoire (68) Croatia (835) Cuba (339) Cyprus (867) Djibouti (23) Dominica (104) Domini
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