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Everything posted by jff

  1. Me too, but that's probably because he had to sit there listening to/answering all the stupid-ass questions that got edited out of the interview.
  2. I think the guitarist in that band also plays in Tin Hat Trio. I haven't heard the Old Joe Clarks, but the guitar playing should be very good. I don't know if that means anything to you.
  3. The Tweedy-esque double-pickguard acoustic guitar DLR is holding at the beginning of that clip is not enough to make Roth-haters start liking him?
  4. For some reason I've been passing on that one at the library every week for almost a year. I'll get it next time if it's still there. One beloved album from my collection is this:
  5. Interesting. Maybe he keeps them set up on stage so he can jump on the drums if the mood strikes him. That's what I'd do if I were him. Stevie's a really fantastic drummer. Did Stevie play much harmonica during the show?
  6. That's an amazing setlist. I wish I was going to see him in Atlanta this week. I had previously mentioned that he had already played here, but that is wrong. The photos I saw that I thought were from his Atlanta show must've been from an old tour, or some other cirty on this tour. I see that there's an electronic drumset on Steve's right. I'm assuming he stepped over and played some drums? I'd love to see that.
  7. I can't vouch from experience, but I have heard that JJ tubes work well in the '65 Deluxe Reverb (DRRI). Might be worth a shot if you haven't already tried them. (I was dying to get a DRRI last year, but I got impatient and got an Ampeg Reverberocket, which I love, for 1/3 the price.) https://ssl.eurotubes.com/cart/index.php?pa..._category_id=35 That link is for a full retube kit, but it should say which 6v6s they use in place of the stock tubes.
  8. here's a link to the search results for "Jeff's orange guitar": http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?act...uitar&st=25 The microwave popcorn thread is on page two of the results.
  9. Yeah, I'm a dumbass. Regardless, if you searched for "jeff's orange guitar" you'd get results about microwave popcorn and the Grateful Dead, and any number of other things that have nothing to do with Wilco's equipment.
  10. That is the exact thread that the "do a search before you ask a question" crowd is saying should have never existed in the first place.
  11. "It's a Gibson Barney Kessel" is easier to type than "We've already been over this. Do a search." Do a search for "Jeff's orange guitar" and see how much irrelevant garbage you have to sort through before you find the answer.
  12. There is hammered dulcimer on "Company in My Back" and probably a bunch of other songs.
  13. If it only had two knobs (volume and tone) it was a Pro Jr. Blues Jr. has reverb, and bass, mid & treble knobs instead of just a single tone knob. Also, it has a 12" speaker. The Pro Jr has a 10" speaker.
  14. I don't think they've even scratced the surface of what they can do with their current instrumentation, so I'd be surprised if they abandoned the guitars. I'd prefer to see Glen anandon the drumset and just play percussion. Not to take anything away from his excellent drumming, I just think that'd be an experiment that I'd enjoy hearing more than a no guitar experiment.
  15. That's true (with the possible exception of folks who play outdoor gigs without running the amps through a PA). The Pro Jr. is only 15 watts. That might not be enough volume depending on the style of music. Also, if you play clean a lot you might want more than 15 watts. I've never heard anyone complain about the Peavey Classic 30. They are some of the praised mass produced amps out there.
  16. Congrats. I can't imagine ever getting rid of my Tele. I'd say you made a wise decision.
  17. I thought they stopped publication of Guitar World Acoustic.
  18. Well, maybe that's why his traveling partner packs a glock.
  19. Of course it's different. Neil is documenting something that has already happened. Micheal, in your scenario, is announcing somehting that hasn't taken place. Maybe Neil's books and website postings are his way of giving his fans a peek into his life to the extent he is comfortable.
  20. Best harmonica player in pop music history. I saw some photos from his show in Atlanta. He has a pretty huge band. 10 people, at least, probably more like 15. It was nice to see that he still has a Hohner Clavinet as part of his keyboard setup.
  21. I've been to Borders twice since you started this thread and have looked for Stereophile both times. Either they don't carry it, or they file it with non-music magazines. Is this interview available online?
  22. Haha. I love how you point out what a pain in the ass this process is then you say it sounds like fun.
  23. I got mine and have read most of it. Nice work. I had checked out a cd of Bela Fleck playing with some Indian musicians the day the magazine arrived, so it was pretty cool coincidence to see him on the cover.
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