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Everything posted by jff

  1. They did a really good job showcasing Glenn. I don't recall getting to see that much close footage of what he does. Amazing! Also cool to see Pat playing so much guitar.
  2. I liked the part where they reeled in the football field and all of a sudden they were in outer space.
  3. I heard about this about a month ago. Can't rememebr where. Glad it's official, and hopefully there'll be a full US tour. I regret passing on so many opportunities to see them in tiny clubs. The only time I got to see them was on their last tour, in a fairly large venue.
  4. I would have liked to have seen Nels play that Tele.
  5. Only saw the first ten mins, but that was very well done. Kudos to Premier Guitar magazine.
  6. Sure, but as a house band for Fallon, and not as a means to promote their own material.
  7. Unfortunately, I'm confident Joy Division will never see a single penny from sales of this.
  8. Good article, but this quote doesn't square with reality: "Thus, without selling a ton of records or making flashy videos, TV appearances or reality shows, Wilco has developed an ardent and loyal fan base." You'd be hard pressed to find a band that's made more TV appearances than Wilco.
  9. Johnny Otis died yesterday (or the day before). Jimmy Castor died this week, too. Tom Ardolino from NRBQ died a couple weeks ago. It's starting off as a terrible year for musician deaths.
  10. I won a Neil Young Freedom tour jacket on the radio once, but I never went to pick it up. I thik that was before I was old enough to drive.
  11. It's just a matter of it being played so often and covered so often, and used and abused in so many tv comnercials and movies. It's a great song, but at some point, overexposure sets in.
  12. I wonder if that means they're opening for M. Ward, or if he's opening for them. I might fly out to that 18th show for my 40th birthday, but I'd want more than a short opening set.
  13. Three cats and a dog. Used to be four cats, but we adopted one out to a friend before we moved to a much smaller house last month. I need to go visit that little maniac and see how he's doing.
  14. I liked that video, and I'm impressed that they made it sound that good at such a low volume, but I'm SO tired of that song.
  15. Clearly the same basic part at the beginning (I didn't compare all the way through). I don't see any problem with this approach. All bands have older material that resurfaces or gets reworked. It's just too bad that in this case the song isn't good.
  16. I saw Dos play an unannounced opening set for fIREHOSE. The only other time I saw fIREHOSE was half of their last song opening the Beastie's Check Your Head tour. I was so heartbroken to miss their set. Underage drinking in the parking lot, assuming Basehead was still on stage and fIREHOSE hadn't played yet.
  17. Exactly the price range I would expect these days. I'd go for the $90 tickets. I haven't been to an arena show in probably five years, so I don't mind the splurge.
  18. Tattoo is a pretty lame song, by any standard. It's probably better than the new Shins song I heard, though . I hope to see VH, since they were my first favorite band as a kid, I've never seen them, and they're playing the night after my 40th birthday. Hopefully, they'll go very light on the new material.
  19. I only saw them once, but I don't think 30 minute shows were the norm. They played well over an hour when I saw them, and Watt always does pretty long shows with his bands. I would expect some lengthy shows if they go out as headliners again.
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