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Sunrise in my backyard this morning

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it all looks yummy -- what'd ya get? :w00t


or would that reveal too much about your mindset? :ninja


It's actually replacements for some stuff I ordered earlier that had leaky caps and spilled all over the place. I got Persephone, Gaueko, Versailles, and Black Forest. They also sent me free samples of Tezcatlipoca (which I'm wearing right now) and Red Devil.

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as far as firefighters, i was referring more to the 'but the job is inherently dangerous' part...same thing right? plus, apart from the aformentioned 'bad cops' i don't think all of them get in your face, wave guns around and seek out popping caps into innocent people. granted, i have several friends who are in law enforcement and they are good guys who I respect for putting themselves in harm's way.


soooo, to recap...whatdidisay posted:


1. A welcome home to a friend returning from Iraq a few weeks back, only to be told that because the cat was a doctor...it wasn't really that big of a deal he survived.


2. A RIP to a cop killed in the line of duty, only to be told that since that line of work is dangerous and cops can be dicks...it really wasn't that big of a deal that he died.



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to recap:


I don't think it's any bigger deal when a cop dies than anyone else.


my opinions can be inflammatory, and no matter how you twist it, you've never swayed me

to your point of view. I can live with that.

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I just might have to go cardigan...if I can find the one I own, I haven't done that in a while :lol

this is the combo for spring and fall. i am a glutton for cardigans. i would say my cardigan stockpile is in the double digits. some i've had since high school. :lol

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To recap:


I find blueberry pie to be far superior in taste and texture to the traditional apple pie, don't even ask about pumpkin or lemon cream - pure mush.


The only pie that comes close is strawberry (and French Silk of course but I do not consider that a pie in the traditional sense).

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1. A welcome home to a friend returning from Iraq a few weeks back, only to be told that because the cat was a doctor...it wasn't really that big of a deal he survived.


I dunno who told him that, because I certainly didn't. The only thing I did do was ask him what the mortality rates were for doctors in Iraq - partially out of curiosity. Guess he either didn't know the answer or disliked having to ponder such things, as his friend was clearly in as much or even more mortal danger as someone getting in a car and driving on a highway.


But apparently that was a Horrible, Awful, Evil question to ask, and I'm going to burn in a personalized Hell and suffer a fate that I personally most fear and loathe - in other words, be forced to read El F's posts for all of eternity while James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" perpetually blasts from a pair of headphones nailed to my skull.


I feel Horrible and Awful and pretty damn Evil, too, and I've repented and prayed the Alimighty Jesus for forgiveness. Maybe He'll grant me some. :cold

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Dude, the question at the time seemed kind of insensitive, given the circumstances. That is, without some phrasing about how you were glad his friend was back or something like that. Without some comment like that, it seemed that you were implicating that the whole matter was no big deal.


However, there are people on here who have been insensitive, and other people have been lambasted for calling them out on it.

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To recap:


I find blueberry pie to be far superior in taste and texture to the traditional apple pie, don't even ask about pumpkin or lemon cream - pure mush.


The only pie that comes close is strawberry (and French Silk of course but I do not consider that a pie in the traditional sense).



could you be any more wrong?

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